Source code for jwst.associations.lib.rules_level3

"""Association Definitions: DMS Level3 product associations
import logging

from jwst.associations.registry import RegistryMarker
from jwst.associations.lib.dms_base import (Constraint_TargetAcq, Constraint_TSO, nrsfss_valid_detector, nrsifu_valid_detector)
from jwst.associations.lib.dms_base import (nrccoron_valid_detector)
from jwst.associations.lib.process_list import ListCategory
from jwst.associations.lib.rules_level3_base import *
from jwst.associations.lib.rules_level3_base import (
    dms_product_name_sources, dms_product_name_nrsfs_sources, dms_product_name_noopt, dms_product_name_coronimage,

__all__ = [

# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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# Start of the User-level rules
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[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3ACQ_Reprocess(DMS_Level3_Base): """Level 3 Gather Target Acquisitions Characteristics: - Association type: Not applicable - Pipeline: Not applicable - Used to populate other related associations Notes ----- For first loop, simply send acquisitions and confirms back. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_TargetAcq(), SimpleConstraint( name='force_fail', test=lambda x, y: False, value='anything but None', reprocess_on_fail=True, work_over=ListCategory.NONSCIENCE, reprocess_rules=[] ) ]) super(Asn_Lv3ACQ_Reprocess, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3AMI(AsnMixin_Science): """Level 3 Aperture Mask Interferometry Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``ami3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_ami3`` - Gather science and related PSF exposures Notes ----- AMI is nearly completely defined by the association candidates produced by APT. Tracking Issues: - `github #310 <>`_ """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Optical_Path(), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value=( 'nis_ami' ), ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='target', sources=['targetid'], onlyif=lambda item: self.get_exposure_type(item) == 'science', force_reprocess=ListCategory.EXISTING, only_on_match=True, ), ]) # PSF is required self.validity.update({ 'has_psf': { 'validated': False, 'check': lambda entry: entry['exptype'] == 'psf' } }) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3AMI, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _init_hook(self, item): """Post-check and pre-add initialization"""['asn_type'] = 'ami3' super(Asn_Lv3AMI, self)._init_hook(item)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3Image(AsnMixin_Science): """Level 3 Science Image Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``image3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_image3`` - Non-TSO - Non-WFS&C """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup constraints self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Optical_Path(), Constraint_Target(association=self), Constraint_Image(), DMSAttrConstraint( name='wfsvisit', sources=['visitype'], value='((?!wfsc).)*', required=False ), Constraint( [ DMSAttrConstraint( name='bkgdtarg', sources=['bkgdtarg'], ), Constraint_TSO() ], reduce=Constraint.notany ) ]) # Now check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3Image, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _init_hook(self, item): """Post-check and pre-add initialization"""['asn_type'] = 'image3' super(Asn_Lv3Image, self)._init_hook(item)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3ImageBackground(AsnMixin_AuxData, AsnMixin_Science): """Level 3 Background Image Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``image3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_image3`` - Non-TSO - Non-WFS&C """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup constraints self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Optical_Path(), Constraint_Target(association=self), Constraint_Image(), DMSAttrConstraint( name='wfsvisit', sources=['visitype'], value='((?!wfsc).)*', required=False ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='bkgdtarg', sources=['bkgdtarg'], ), Constraint( [Constraint_TSO()], reduce=Constraint.notany ) ]) # Now check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3ImageBackground, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _init_hook(self, item): """Post-check and pre-add initialization"""['asn_type'] = 'image3' super(Asn_Lv3ImageBackground, self)._init_hook(item)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3MIRCoron(AsnMixin_Coronagraphy, AsnMixin_Science): """Level 3 Coronagraphy Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``coron3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_coron3`` - MIRI Coronagraphy - Gather science and related PSF exposures Notes ----- Coronagraphy is nearly completely defined by the association candidates produced by APT. Tracking Issues: - `github #311 <>`_ - `JP-3219 <>`_ """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint( [ Constraint_Optical_Path(), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value='mir_lyot|mir_4qpm', ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='target', sources=['targetid'], onlyif=lambda item: self.get_exposure_type(item) == 'science', force_reprocess=ListCategory.EXISTING, only_on_match=True, ), Constraint( [DMSAttrConstraint( name='bkgdtarg', sources=['bkgdtarg'], force_unique=False, )], reduce=Constraint.notany ), ], name='asn_coron' ) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3MIRCoron, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3MIRMRS(AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 MIRI MRS Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` - Just MIRI MRS - optical path determined by calibration - Cannot be TSO - Must have pattern type defined """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Target(association=self), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value='mir_mrs', ), Constraint( [ Constraint_TSO(), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ), ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3MIRMRS, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def dms_product_name(self): return dms_product_name_noopt(self)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3MIRMRSBackground(AsnMixin_AuxData, AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 MIRI MRS Association Auxiliary data Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` - Just MIRI MRS - optical path determined by calibration - Cannot be TSO - Must have pattern type defined """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Target(), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value='mir_mrs', ), Constraint( [ Constraint_TSO(), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='bkgdtarg', sources=['bkgdtarg'], value='T', ), ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3MIRMRSBackground, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def dms_product_name(self): return dms_product_name_noopt(self)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3NRCCoron(AsnMixin_Coronagraphy, AsnMixin_Science): """Level 3 Coronagraphy Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``coron3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_coron3`` - Gather science and related PSF exposures - Exclude "extra" NIRCam detectors that don't have target on them Notes ----- Coronagraphy is nearly completely defined by the association candidates produced by APT. Tracking Issues: - `github #311 <>`_ - `JP-3219 <>`_ """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint( [ Constraint_Optical_Path(), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value=('nrc_coron'), ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='target', sources=['targetid'], onlyif=lambda item: self.get_exposure_type(item) == 'science', force_reprocess=ListCategory.EXISTING, only_on_match=True, ), Constraint( [DMSAttrConstraint( name='bkgdtarg', sources=['bkgdtarg'], force_unique=False, )], reduce=Constraint.notany ), SimpleConstraint( value=True, test=lambda value, item: nrccoron_valid_detector(item), force_unique=False ), ], name='asn_coron' ) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3NRCCoron, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3NRCCoronImage(AsnMixin_Science): """Level 3 Coronagraphy Association handled as regular imaging Characteristics: - Association type: ``image3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_image3`` - Gather science exposures only, no psf exposures - Only include NRC SW images taken in full-frame """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint( [ Constraint_Optical_Path(), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value=('nrc_coron'), ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='target', sources=['targetid'], onlyif=lambda item: self.get_exposure_type(item) == 'science', force_reprocess=ListCategory.EXISTING, only_on_match=True, ), Constraint( [DMSAttrConstraint( name='bkgdtarg', sources=['bkgdtarg'], force_unique=False, ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='is_psf', sources=['is_psf'], value = ('T') )], reduce=Constraint.notany ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='channel', sources=['channel'], value=('short'), ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='subarray', sources=['subarray'], value=('full'), ), ], ) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3NRCCoronImage, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def dms_product_name(self): return dms_product_name_coronimage(self) def _init_hook(self, item): """Post-check and pre-add initialization"""['asn_type'] = 'image3' super(Asn_Lv3NRCCoronImage, self)._init_hook(item)
[docs] def is_item_coron(self, item): """Override to ignore coronographic designation Coronagraphic data is to be processed both as coronagraphic (by default), but also as just plain imaging. Coronagraphic data is processed using the Asn_Lv3Coron rule. This rule will handle the creation of the image version. It causes the input members to be of type "cal", instead of "calints". """ return False
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3NRSFSS(AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 NIRSpec Fixed-slit Science Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` - NIRSpec Fixed-slit Science - Non-TSO """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint( [Constraint_TSO()], reduce=Constraint.notany ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value=( 'nrs_autoflat' '|nrs_autowave' '|nrs_fixedslit' ), force_unique=False ), SimpleConstraint( value=True, test=lambda value, item: nrsfss_valid_detector(item), force_unique=False ), Constraint_Optical_Path(), Constraint_Target(association=self), ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3NRSFSS, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def dms_product_name(self): return dms_product_name_nrsfs_sources(self)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3NRSIFU(AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 IFU gratings Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` - optical path determined by calibration """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Target(association=self), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value=( 'nrs_autowave' '|nrs_ifu' ), force_unique=False ), SimpleConstraint( value=True, test=lambda value, item: nrsifu_valid_detector(item), force_unique=False ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='patttype', sources=['patttype'], required=True ), Constraint( [ Constraint_TSO(), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='opt_elem', sources=['grating'], ) ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3NRSIFU, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3NRSIFUBackground(AsnMixin_AuxData, AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 Spectral Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Target(association=self), Constraint( [ Constraint_TSO(), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='bkgdtarg', sources=['bkgdtarg'], value='T', ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='allowed_bkgdtarg', sources=['exp_type'], value='nrs_ifu', ), SimpleConstraint( value=True, test=lambda value, item: nrsifu_valid_detector(item), force_unique=False ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='opt_elem', sources=['grating'], force_unique=True, ), ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3NRSIFUBackground, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3SlitlessSpectral(AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 slitless, target-based or single-object spectrographic Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` - Single target - Non-TSO """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint( [Constraint_TSO()], reduce=Constraint.notany ), Constraint_Optical_Path(), Constraint_Target(association=self), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value=( 'nis_soss' ), force_unique=False ), Constraint( [ DMSAttrConstraint( name='patttype_spectarg', sources=['patttype'], ), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ), # Constraint to prevent calibration data from level 3 processing Constraint( [ DMSAttrConstraint( name='restricted_slitless', sources=['exp_type'], value = ('mir_lrs-slitless') ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='tso_obs', sources=['tso_visit'], value = ('T') ), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ) ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3SlitlessSpectral, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3SpecAux(AsnMixin_AuxData, AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 Spectral Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Target(association=self), Constraint( [ Constraint_TSO(), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='bkgdtarg', sources=['bkgdtarg'], value='T', ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='allowed_bkgdtarg', sources=['exp_type'], value='mir_lrs-fixedslit|nrs_fixedslit', ), Constraint_Optical_Path(), ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3SpecAux, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3SpectralSource(AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 slit-like, multi-object spectrographic Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` - Multi-object - Non-TSO """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint( [Constraint_TSO()], reduce=Constraint.notany ), Constraint_Optical_Path(), Constraint_Target(association=self), Constraint( [ DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value=( 'nrc_wfss' '|nrs_autoflat' '|nrs_autowave' ), force_unique=False ), Constraint_MSA() ], reduce=Constraint.any ) ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3SpectralSource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def dms_product_name(self): return dms_product_name_sources(self)
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3SpectralTarget(AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 slit-like, target-based or single-object spectrographic Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` - Single target - Non-TSO """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint( [Constraint_TSO()], reduce=Constraint.notany ), Constraint_Optical_Path(), Constraint_Target(association=self), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value=( 'mir_lrs-fixedslit' '|nis_soss' ), force_unique=False ), Constraint( [ DMSAttrConstraint( name='patttype_spectarg', sources=['patttype'], value='2-point-nod|4-point-nod|along-slit-nod', ), ], reduce=Constraint.any ) ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3SpectralTarget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def finalize(self): """Finalize association For NRS Fixed-slit, finalization means creating new members for the background nods. Returns ------- associations: [association[, ...]] or None List of fully-qualified associations that this association represents. `None` if a complete association cannot be produced. """ if self.is_valid: return self.make_fixedslit_bkg() return None
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3TSO(AsnMixin_Science): """Level 3 Time-Series Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``tso3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_tso3`` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Target(association=self), Constraint_Optical_Path(), Constraint_TSO(), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], ), # Don't allow IFU exposures in tso3 Constraint( [ Constraint_IFU(), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ), # Don't allow NIRCam engineering mode # with PUPIL='CLEAR' in tso3 Constraint( [ Constraint([ DMSAttrConstraint( name='restricted_grism', sources=['exp_type'], value = ('nrc_tsgrism') ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='grism_clear', sources=['pupil'], value = ('clear') ), ]), Constraint([ DMSAttrConstraint( name='restricted_ts', sources=['exp_type'], value = 'nrc_tsgrism' ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='module', sources=['detector'], value='nrcblong' ), ]), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ), # Don't allow NIRISS SOSS with NINTS=1 in tso3 Constraint( [ Constraint([ DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value = ('nis_soss') ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='nints', sources=['nints'], value = ('1') ), ]), ], reduce=Constraint.notany ) ]) # Only valid if candidate type is 'observation'. self.validity.update({ 'is_type_observation': { 'validated': False, 'check': self._validate_candidates } }) super(Asn_Lv3TSO, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _init_hook(self, item): """Post-check and pre-add initialization"""['asn_type'] = 'tso3' super(Asn_Lv3TSO, self)._init_hook(item) def _validate_candidates(self, member): """Allow only observation-type candidates Parameters ---------- member : Member Member being added. Ignored. Returns ------- True if candidate type is observation. False otherwise. """ # If a group candidate, reject. if self.acid.type.lower() != 'observation': return False return True
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3WFSCMB(AsnMixin_Science): """Level 3 Wavefront Control & Sensing Association For coarse and fine phasing, dither pairs need to be associated to be combined. The optical path is assumed to be equivalent within an activity. Characteristics: - Association type: ``wfs-image3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_wfs-image3`` - Coarse and fine phasing dithers """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup constraints self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Optical_Path(), Constraint_Target(association=self), Constraint_Image(), DMSAttrConstraint( name='patttype', sources=['patttype'], value='wfsc' ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='detector', sources=['detector'] ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='obs_id', sources=['obs_id'] ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='act_id', sources=['act_id'] ), Constraint( [ DMSAttrConstraint( name='dms_note', sources=['dms_note'], value='wfsc_los_jitter' ), ], reduce=Constraint.notany, ), ]) # Only valid if two members exist and candidate is not a GROUP. self.validity.update({ 'has_pair': { 'validated': False, 'check': self._has_pair }, 'is_not_group': { 'validated': False, 'check': self._validate_candidates } }) super(Asn_Lv3WFSCMB, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _init_hook(self, item): """Post-check and pre-add initialization"""['asn_type'] = 'wfs-image3' super(Asn_Lv3WFSCMB, self)._init_hook(item) @property def dms_product_name(self): """Define product name Modification is to append the `expspcin` value after the calibration suffix. """ product_name_format = '{existing}-{detector}_{suffix}-{expspcin}' existing = super().dms_product_name product_name = format_product( product_name_format, existing=existing, detector=self.constraints['detector'].value, expspcin=self.constraints['act_id'].value ) return product_name.lower() def _has_pair(self, entry=None): """Check if current product has two members If `entry` is given, it is counted as one of the members. If not, the existing member list is only accounted for. Parameters ---------- entry : dict or None New entry to add to member list. Returns ------- bool True if there are two members. """ if entry is None: count = 2 else: count = 1 return len(self.current_product['members']) == count def _validate_candidates(self, member): """Disallow GROUP candidates Parameters ---------- member : Member Member being added. Ignored. Returns ------- False if candidate is GROUP. True otherwise. """ # If a group candidate, reject. if self.acid.type.lower() == 'group': return False return True
[docs] @RegistryMarker.rule class Asn_Lv3WFSSNIS(AsnMixin_Spectrum): """Level 3 WFSS/Grism Association Characteristics: - Association type: ``spec3`` - Pipeline: ``calwebb_spec3`` - Gather all grism exposures """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Setup for checking. self.constraints = Constraint([ Constraint_Target(association=self), DMSAttrConstraint( name='exp_type', sources=['exp_type'], value='nis_wfss', ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='opt_elem', sources=['filter'], value='gr150r|gr150c', force_unique=True, ), DMSAttrConstraint( name='opt_elem2', sources=['pupil'], ), ]) # Check and continue initialization. super(Asn_Lv3WFSSNIS, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def dms_product_name(self): return dms_product_name_sources(self)