Source code for jwst.flatfield.flat_field_step

from stdatamodels.jwst import datamodels

from ..stpipe import Step
from . import flat_field

# For the following types of data, it is OK -- and in some cases
# required -- for the extract_2d step to have been run.  For all
# other types of data, the extract_2d step must not have been run.

# NIRSpec imaging types (see exp_type2transform in assign_wcs/
# Supported NIRSpec spectrographic types. No flat fielding for NRS_AUTOFLAT

__all__ = ["FlatFieldStep"]

[docs] class FlatFieldStep(Step): """Flat-field a science image using a flatfield reference image. Attributes ---------- correction_pars : {'flat': DataModel} After the step has successfully run, the flat field applied is stored. use_correction_pars : boolean Use the flat stored in `correction_pars` """ class_alias = "flat_field" spec = """ save_interpolated_flat = boolean(default=False) # Save interpolated NRS flat user_supplied_flat = string(default=None) # User-supplied flat inverse = boolean(default=False) # Invert the operation """ reference_file_types = ["flat", "fflat", "sflat", "dflat"] # Define a suffix for optional saved output of the interpolated flat for NRS flat_suffix = 'interpolatedflat'
[docs] def process(self, input): input_model = exposure_type = input_model.meta.exposure.type.upper() self.log.debug("Input is {} of exposure type {}".format( input_model.__class__.__name__, exposure_type)) if == "NIRSPEC": if (exposure_type not in NRS_SPEC_MODES and exposure_type not in NRS_IMAGING_MODES): self.log.warning("Exposure type is %s; flat-fielding will be " "skipped because it is not currently " "supported for this mode.", exposure_type) return self.skip_step(input_model) # Check whether extract_2d has been run. if (input_model.meta.cal_step.extract_2d == 'COMPLETE' and exposure_type not in EXTRACT_2D_IS_OK): self.log.warning("The extract_2d step has been run, but for " "%s data it should not have been run, so ...", exposure_type) self.log.warning("flat fielding will be skipped.") return self.skip_step(input_model) # Retrieve reference files only if no user-supplied flat is specified if self.user_supplied_flat is not None: f'User-supplied flat {self.user_supplied_flat} given.' ' Ignoring all flat reference files and flat creation.' ) reference_file_models = { 'user_supplied_flat': } # Record the user-supplied flat as the FLAT reference type for recording # in the result header. flat_ref_file = reference_file_models['user_supplied_flat'].meta.filename self._reference_files_used.append(('flat', flat_ref_file))'Using flat field reference file: %s', flat_ref_file) elif self.use_correction_pars:'Using flat field from correction pars {self.correction_pars["flat"]}') reference_file_models = { 'user_supplied_flat':['flat']) } # Record the flat as the FLAT reference type for recording # in the result header. self._reference_files_used.append( ('flat', reference_file_models['user_supplied_flat'].meta.filename) ) else: reference_file_models = self._get_references(input_model, exposure_type) # Do the flat-field correction output_model, flat_applied = flat_field.do_correction( input_model, **reference_file_models, inverse=self.inverse ) # Close the input and reference files input_model.close() try: for model in reference_file_models.values(): model.close() except AttributeError: pass if self.save_interpolated_flat and flat_applied is not None: ff_path = self.save_model(flat_applied, suffix=self.flat_suffix, force=True)'Interpolated flat written to "{ff_path}".') if not self.correction_pars: self.correction_pars = {} self.correction_pars['flat'] = flat_applied return output_model
[docs] def skip_step(self, input_model): """Set the calibration switch to SKIPPED. This method makes a copy of input_model, sets the calibration switch for the flat_field step to SKIPPED in the copy, closes input_model, and returns the copy. """ result = input_model.copy() result.meta.cal_step.flat_field = "SKIPPED" input_model.close() return result
def _get_references(self, data, exposure_type): """Retrieve required CRDS reference files Parameters ---------- data : DataModel The data to base the CRDS lookups on. exposure_type : str The exposure type keyword value Returns ------- reference_file_models : {str: DataModel{,...}} Dictionary matching reference file types to open models """ # Get reference file paths reference_file_names = {} for reftype in self.reference_file_types: reffile = self.get_reference_file(data, reftype) reference_file_names[reftype] = reffile if reffile != 'N/A' else None # Define mapping between reftype and datamodel type model_type = dict( flat=datamodels.FlatModel, fflat=datamodels.NirspecFlatModel, sflat=datamodels.NirspecFlatModel, dflat=datamodels.NirspecFlatModel, ) if exposure_type == "NRS_MSASPEC": model_type["fflat"] = datamodels.NirspecQuadFlatModel # Open the relevant reference files as datamodels reference_file_models = {} for reftype, reffile in reference_file_names.items(): if reffile is not None: reference_file_models[reftype] = model_type[reftype](reffile)'Using %s reference file: %s', reftype.upper(), reffile) else:'No reference found for type %s', reftype.upper()) reference_file_models[reftype] = None return reference_file_models