Source code for jwst.guider_cds.guider_cds_step

#! /usr/bin/env python

from crds.core.exceptions import CrdsLookupError

from stdatamodels.jwst import datamodels

from ..stpipe import Step
from . import guider_cds

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["GuiderCdsStep"]

[docs] class GuiderCdsStep (Step): """ This step calculates the countrate for each pixel for FGS modes. """ class_alias = "guider_cds"
[docs] def process(self, input): with datamodels.GuiderRawModel(input) as input_model: # Get the gain reference file gain_model = None # will overwrite if file can be retrieved try: gain_filename = self.get_reference_file(input_model, 'gain') gain_model = datamodels.GainModel(gain_filename)'Using GAIN reference file: %s', gain_filename) except CrdsLookupError: self.log.warning('Unable to retrieve GAIN ref file.') # Get the readnoise reference file readnoise_model = None # will overwrite if file can be retrieved try: readnoise_filename = self.get_reference_file(input_model, 'readnoise') readnoise_model = datamodels.ReadnoiseModel(readnoise_filename)'Using READNOISE reference file: %s', readnoise_filename) except CrdsLookupError: self.log.warning('Unable to retrieve READNOISE ref file.') out_model = guider_cds.guider_cds(input_model, gain_model, readnoise_model) out_model.meta.cal_step.guider_cds = 'COMPLETE' return out_model