Source code for jwst.tweakreg.tweakreg_step

JWST pipeline step for image alignment.

:Authors: Mihai Cara

from os import path

from astropy.table import Table
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from tweakwcs.imalign import align_wcs
from tweakwcs.correctors import JWSTWCSCorrector
from tweakwcs.matchutils import XYXYMatch

from stdatamodels.jwst.datamodels.util import is_association

from jwst.datamodels import ModelContainer

from ..stpipe import Step
from ..assign_wcs.util import update_fits_wcsinfo, update_s_region_imaging
from . import astrometric_utils as amutils
from . tweakreg_catalog import make_tweakreg_catalog

def _oxford_or_str_join(str_list):
    nelem = len(str_list)
    if not nelem:
        return 'N/A'
    str_list = list(map(repr, str_list))
    if nelem == 1:
        return str_list
    elif nelem == 2:
        return str_list[0] + ' or ' + str_list[1]
        return ', '.join(map(repr, str_list[:-1])) + ', or ' + repr(str_list[-1])


__all__ = ['TweakRegStep']

[docs] class TweakRegStep(Step): """ TweakRegStep: Image alignment based on catalogs of sources detected in input images. """ class_alias = "tweakreg" spec = f""" save_catalogs = boolean(default=False) # Write out catalogs? use_custom_catalogs = boolean(default=False) # Use custom user-provided catalogs? catalog_format = string(default='ecsv') # Catalog output file format catfile = string(default='') # Name of the file with a list of custom user-provided catalogs starfinder = option('dao', 'iraf', 'segmentation', default='dao') # Star finder to use. snr_threshold = float(default=10.0) # SNR threshold above the bkg for star finder # kwargs for DAOStarFinder and IRAFStarFinder, only used if starfinder is 'dao' or 'iraf' kernel_fwhm = float(default=2.5) # Gaussian kernel FWHM in pixels minsep_fwhm = float(default=0.0) # Minimum separation between detected objects in FWHM sigma_radius = float(default=1.5) # Truncation radius of the Gaussian kernel in units of sigma sharplo = float(default=0.2) # The lower bound on sharpness for object detection. sharphi = float(default=1.0) # The upper bound on sharpness for object detection. roundlo = float(default=-1.0) # The lower bound on roundness for object detection. roundhi = float(default=1.0) # The upper bound on roundness for object detection. brightest = integer(default=200) # Keep top ``brightest`` objects peakmax = float(default=None) # Filter out objects with pixel values >= ``peakmax`` # kwargs for SourceCatalog and SourceFinder, only used if starfinder is 'segmentation' npixels = integer(default=10) # Minimum number of connected pixels connectivity = option(4, 8, default=8) # The connectivity defining the neighborhood of a pixel nlevels = integer(default=32) # Number of multi-thresholding levels for deblending contrast = float(default=0.001) # Fraction of total source flux an object must have to be deblended multithresh_mode = option('exponential', 'linear', 'sinh', default='exponential') # Multi-thresholding mode localbkg_width = integer(default=0) # Width of rectangular annulus used to compute local background around each source apermask_method = option('correct', 'mask', 'none', default='correct') # How to handle neighboring sources kron_params = float_list(min=2, max=3, default=None) # Parameters defining Kron aperture # continue args for rest of step bkg_boxsize = integer(default=400) # The background mesh box size in pixels. enforce_user_order = boolean(default=False) # Align images in user specified order? expand_refcat = boolean(default=False) # Expand reference catalog with new sources? minobj = integer(default=15) # Minimum number of objects acceptable for matching searchrad = float(default=2.0) # The search radius in arcsec for a match use2dhist = boolean(default=True) # Use 2d histogram to find initial offset? separation = float(default=1.0) # Minimum object separation for xyxymatch in arcsec tolerance = float(default=0.7) # Matching tolerance for xyxymatch in arcsec xoffset = float(default=0.0), # Initial guess for X offset in arcsec yoffset = float(default=0.0) # Initial guess for Y offset in arcsec fitgeometry = option('shift', 'rshift', 'rscale', 'general', default='rshift') # Fitting geometry nclip = integer(min=0, default=3) # Number of clipping iterations in fit sigma = float(min=0.0, default=3.0) # Clipping limit in sigma units abs_refcat = string(default='') # Catalog file name or one of: {_SINGLE_GROUP_REFCAT_STR}, or None, or '' save_abs_catalog = boolean(default=False) # Write out used absolute astrometric reference catalog as a separate product abs_minobj = integer(default=15) # Minimum number of objects acceptable for matching when performing absolute astrometry abs_searchrad = float(default=6.0) # The search radius in arcsec for a match when performing absolute astrometry # We encourage setting this parameter to True. Otherwise, xoffset and yoffset will be set to zero. abs_use2dhist = boolean(default=True) # Use 2D histogram to find initial offset when performing absolute astrometry? abs_separation = float(default=0.1) # Minimum object separation in arcsec when performing absolute astrometry abs_tolerance = float(default=0.7) # Matching tolerance for xyxymatch in arcsec when performing absolute astrometry # Fitting geometry when performing absolute astrometry abs_fitgeometry = option('shift', 'rshift', 'rscale', 'general', default='rshift') abs_nclip = integer(min=0, default=3) # Number of clipping iterations in fit when performing absolute astrometry abs_sigma = float(min=0.0, default=3.0) # Clipping limit in sigma units when performing absolute astrometry output_use_model = boolean(default=True) # When saving use `DataModel.meta.filename` """ reference_file_types = []
[docs] def process(self, input): use_custom_catalogs = self.use_custom_catalogs if use_custom_catalogs: catdict = _parse_catfile(self.catfile) # if user requested the use of custom catalogs and provided a # valid 'catfile' file name that has no custom catalogs, # turn off the use of custom catalogs: if catdict is not None and not catdict: self.log.warning( "'use_custom_catalogs' is set to True but 'catfile' " "contains no user catalogs. Turning on built-in catalog " "creation." ) use_custom_catalogs = False try: if use_custom_catalogs and catdict: images = ModelContainer() if isinstance(input, str): asn_dir = path.dirname(input) asn_data = images.read_asn(input) for member in asn_data['products'][0]['members']: filename = member['expname'] member['expname'] = path.join(asn_dir, filename) if filename in catdict: member['tweakreg_catalog'] = catdict[filename] elif 'tweakreg_catalog' in member: del member['tweakreg_catalog'] images.from_asn(asn_data) elif is_association(input): images.from_asn(input) else: images = ModelContainer(input) for im in images: filename = im.meta.filename if filename in catdict: f"setting meta.tweakreg_catalog of '{filename}' to {repr(catdict[filename])}" ) im.meta.tweakreg_catalog = catdict[filename] else: images = ModelContainer(input) except TypeError as e: e.args = ("Input to tweakreg must be a list of DataModels, an " "association, or an already open ModelContainer " "containing one or more DataModels.", ) + e.args[1:] raise e if self.abs_refcat is not None and self.abs_refcat.strip(): align_to_abs_refcat = True # Set expand_refcat to True to eliminate possibility of duplicate # entries when aligning to absolute astrometric reference catalog self.expand_refcat = True else: align_to_abs_refcat = False if len(images) == 0: raise ValueError("Input must contain at least one image model.") # Build the catalogs for input images for image_model in images: if use_custom_catalogs and image_model.meta.tweakreg_catalog: # use user-supplied catalog:"Using user-provided input catalog " f"'{image_model.meta.tweakreg_catalog}'") catalog = new_cat = False else: # source finding starfinder_kwargs = { 'fwhm': self.kernel_fwhm, 'sigma_radius': self.sigma_radius, 'minsep_fwhm': self.minsep_fwhm, 'sharplo': self.sharplo, 'sharphi': self.sharphi, 'roundlo': self.roundlo, 'roundhi': self.roundhi, 'peakmax': self.peakmax, 'brightest': self.brightest, 'npixels': self.npixels, 'connectivity': int(self.connectivity), # option returns a string, so cast to int 'nlevels': self.nlevels, 'contrast': self.contrast, 'mode': self.multithresh_mode, 'error': image_model.err, 'localbkg_width': self.localbkg_width, 'apermask_method': self.apermask_method, 'kron_params': self.kron_params, } catalog = make_tweakreg_catalog( image_model, self.snr_threshold, starfinder=self.starfinder, bkg_boxsize=self.bkg_boxsize, starfinder_kwargs=starfinder_kwargs, ) new_cat = True for axis in ['x', 'y']: if axis not in catalog.colnames: long_axis = axis + 'centroid' if long_axis in catalog.colnames: catalog.rename_column(long_axis, axis) else: raise ValueError( "'tweakreg' source catalogs must contain either " "columns 'x' and 'y' or 'xcentroid' and " "'ycentroid'." ) # filter out sources outside the WCS bounding box bb = image_model.meta.wcs.bounding_box if bb is not None: ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) = bb x = catalog['x'] y = catalog['y'] mask = (x > xmin) & (x < xmax) & (y > ymin) & (y < ymax) catalog = catalog[mask] filename = image_model.meta.filename nsources = len(catalog) if nsources == 0: self.log.warning('No sources found in {}.'.format(filename)) else:'Detected {} sources in {}.' .format(len(catalog), filename)) if new_cat and self.save_catalogs: image_model = self._write_catalog(image_model, catalog, filename) # Temporarily attach catalog to the image model so that it follows # the grouping by exposure, to be removed after use below image_model.catalog = catalog # group images by their "group id": grp_img = list(images.models_grouped)'')"Number of image groups to be aligned: {:d}." .format(len(grp_img)))"Image groups:") if len(grp_img) == 1 and not align_to_abs_refcat:"* Images in GROUP 1:") for im in grp_img[0]:" {}".format(im.meta.filename))'') # we need at least two exposures to perform image alignment self.log.warning("At least two exposures are required for image " "alignment.") self.log.warning("Nothing to do. Skipping 'TweakRegStep'...") self.skip = True for model in images: model.meta.cal_step.tweakreg = "SKIPPED" # Remove the attached catalogs del model.catalog return input elif len(grp_img) == 1 and align_to_abs_refcat: # create a list of WCS-Catalog-Images Info and/or their Groups: g = grp_img[0] if len(g) == 0: raise AssertionError("Logical error in the pipeline code.") imcats = list(map(self._imodel2wcsim, g)) # Remove the attached catalogs for model in g: del model.catalog"* Images in GROUP '{imcats[0].meta['group_id']}':") for im in imcats:" {im.meta['name']}")'') elif len(grp_img) > 1: # create a list of WCS-Catalog-Images Info and/or their Groups: imcats = [] for g in grp_img: if len(g) == 0: raise AssertionError("Logical error in the pipeline code.") else: wcsimlist = list(map(self._imodel2wcsim, g)) # Remove the attached catalogs for model in g: del model.catalog"* Images in GROUP '{wcsimlist[0].meta['group_id']}':") for im in wcsimlist:" {im.meta['name']}") imcats.extend(wcsimlist)'') # align images: xyxymatch = XYXYMatch( searchrad=self.searchrad, separation=self.separation, use2dhist=self.use2dhist, tolerance=self.tolerance, xoffset=self.xoffset, yoffset=self.yoffset ) try: align_wcs( imcats, refcat=None, enforce_user_order=self.enforce_user_order, expand_refcat=self.expand_refcat, minobj=self.minobj, match=xyxymatch, fitgeom=self.fitgeometry, nclip=self.nclip, sigma=(self.sigma, 'rmse') ) except ValueError as e: msg = e.args[0] if (msg == "Too few input images (or groups of images) with " "non-empty catalogs."): # we need at least two exposures to perform image alignment self.log.warning(msg) self.log.warning("At least two exposures are required for " "image alignment.") self.log.warning("Nothing to do. Skipping 'TweakRegStep'...") for model in images: model.meta.cal_step.tweakreg = "SKIPPED" if not align_to_abs_refcat: self.skip = True return images else: raise e except RuntimeError as e: msg = e.args[0] if msg.startswith("Number of output coordinates exceeded allocation"): # we need at least two exposures to perform image alignment self.log.error(msg) self.log.error("Multiple sources within specified tolerance " "matched to a single reference source. Try to " "adjust 'tolerance' and/or 'separation' parameters.") self.log.warning("Skipping 'TweakRegStep'...") self.skip = True for model in images: model.meta.cal_step.tweakreg = "SKIPPED" return images else: raise e for imcat in imcats: model = imcat.meta['image_model'] if model.meta.cal_step.tweakreg == "SKIPPED": continue wcs = model.meta.wcs twcs = imcat.wcs if not self._is_wcs_correction_small(wcs, twcs): # Large corrections are typically a result of source # mis-matching or poorly-conditioned fit. Skip such models. self.log.warning(f"WCS has been tweaked by more than {10 * self.tolerance} arcsec") for model in images: model.meta.cal_step.tweakreg = "SKIPPED" if align_to_abs_refcat: self.log.warning("Skipping relative alignment (stage 1)...") else: self.log.warning("Skipping 'TweakRegStep'...") self.skip = True return images if align_to_abs_refcat: # Get catalog of GAIA sources for the field # # NOTE: If desired, the pipeline can write out the reference # catalog as a separate product with a name based on # whatever convention is determined by the JWST Cal Working # Group. if self.save_abs_catalog: if self.output_dir is None: output_name = 'fit_{}_ref.ecsv'.format(self.abs_refcat.lower()) else: output_name = path.join(self.output_dir, 'fit_{}_ref.ecsv'.format(self.abs_refcat.lower())) else: output_name = None # initial shift to be used with absolute astrometry self.abs_xoffset = 0 self.abs_yoffset = 0 self.abs_refcat = self.abs_refcat.strip() gaia_cat_name = self.abs_refcat.upper() if gaia_cat_name in SINGLE_GROUP_REFCAT: ref_cat = amutils.create_astrometric_catalog( images, gaia_cat_name, output=output_name ) elif path.isfile(self.abs_refcat): ref_cat = else: raise ValueError("'abs_refcat' must be a path to an " "existing file name or one of the supported " f"reference catalogs: {_SINGLE_GROUP_REFCAT_STR}.") # Check that there are enough GAIA sources for a reliable/valid fit num_ref = len(ref_cat) if num_ref < self.abs_minobj: self.log.warning( f"Not enough sources ({num_ref}) in the reference catalog " "for the single-group alignment step to perform a fit. " f"Skipping alignment to the {self.abs_refcat} reference " "catalog!" ) else: # align images: # Update to separation needed to prevent confusion of sources # from overlapping images where centering is not consistent or # for the possibility that errors still exist in relative overlap. xyxymatch_gaia = XYXYMatch( searchrad=self.abs_searchrad, separation=self.abs_separation, use2dhist=self.abs_use2dhist, tolerance=self.abs_tolerance, xoffset=self.abs_xoffset, yoffset=self.abs_yoffset ) # Set group_id to same value so all get fit as one observation # The assigned value, 987654, has been hard-coded to make it # easy to recognize when alignment to GAIA was being performed # as opposed to the group_id values used for relative alignment # earlier in this step. for imcat in imcats: imcat.meta['group_id'] = 987654 if ('fit_info' in imcat.meta and 'REFERENCE' in imcat.meta['fit_info']['status']): del imcat.meta['fit_info'] # Perform fit align_wcs( imcats, refcat=ref_cat, enforce_user_order=True, expand_refcat=False, minobj=self.abs_minobj, match=xyxymatch_gaia, fitgeom=self.abs_fitgeometry, nclip=self.abs_nclip, sigma=(self.abs_sigma, 'rmse') ) for imcat in imcats: image_model = imcat.meta['image_model'] image_model.meta.cal_step.tweakreg = 'COMPLETE' # retrieve fit status and update wcs if fit is successful: if ('fit_info' in imcat.meta and 'SUCCESS' in imcat.meta['fit_info']['status']): # Update/create the WCS .name attribute with information # on this astrometric fit as the only record that it was # successful: if align_to_abs_refcat: # NOTE: This .name attrib agreed upon by the JWST Cal # Working Group. # Current value is merely a place-holder based # on HST conventions. This value should also be # translated to the FITS WCSNAME keyword # IF that is what gets recorded in the archive # for end-user searches. = "FIT-LVL3-{}".format(self.abs_refcat) image_model.meta.wcs = imcat.wcs update_s_region_imaging(image_model) # Also update FITS representation in input exposures for # subsequent reprocessing by the end-user. try: update_fits_wcsinfo( image_model, max_pix_error=0.01, npoints=16 ) except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as e: self.log.warning( "Failed to update 'meta.wcsinfo' with FITS SIP " f'approximation. Reported error is:\n"{e.args[0]}"' ) return images
def _write_catalog(self, image_model, catalog, filename): ''' Determine output filename for catalog based on outfile for step and output dir, then write catalog to file. Parameters ---------- image_model : jwst.datamodels.ImageModel Image model containing the source catalog. catalog : astropy.table.Table Table containing the source catalog. filename : str Output filename for step Returns ------- image_model : jwst.datamodels.ImageModel Image model with updated catalog information. ''' catalog_filename = str(filename).replace( '.fits', '_cat.{}'.format(self.catalog_format) ) if self.catalog_format == 'ecsv': fmt = 'ascii.ecsv' elif self.catalog_format == 'fits': # NOTE: The catalog must not contain any 'None' values. # FITS will also not clobber existing files. fmt = 'fits' else: raise ValueError( '\'catalog_format\' must be "ecsv" or "fits".' ) if self.output_dir is None: catalog.write(catalog_filename, format=fmt, overwrite=True) else: catalog.write( path.join(self.output_dir, catalog_filename), format=fmt, overwrite=True )'Wrote source catalog: {}' .format(catalog_filename)) image_model.meta.tweakreg_catalog = catalog_filename return image_model def _is_wcs_correction_small(self, wcs, twcs): """Check that the newly tweaked wcs hasn't gone off the rails""" if self.use2dhist: max_corr = 2 * (self.searchrad + self.tolerance) * u.arcsec else: max_corr = 2 * (max(abs(self.xoffset), abs(self.yoffset)) + self.tolerance) * u.arcsec ra, dec = wcs.footprint(axis_type="spatial").T tra, tdec = twcs.footprint(axis_type="spatial").T skycoord = SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit="deg") tskycoord = SkyCoord(ra=tra, dec=tdec, unit="deg") separation = skycoord.separation(tskycoord) return (separation < max_corr).all() def _imodel2wcsim(self, image_model): # make sure that we have a catalog: if hasattr(image_model, 'catalog'): catalog = image_model.catalog else: catalog = image_model.meta.tweakreg_catalog model_name = path.splitext(image_model.meta.filename)[0].strip('_- ') if isinstance(catalog, Table): if not catalog.meta.get('name', None): catalog.meta['name'] = model_name else: try: cat_name = str(catalog) catalog =, format='ascii.ecsv') catalog.meta['name'] = cat_name except IOError: self.log.error("Cannot read catalog {}".format(catalog)) # create WCSImageCatalog object: refang = image_model.meta.wcsinfo.instance im = JWSTWCSCorrector( wcs=image_model.meta.wcs, wcsinfo={'roll_ref': refang['roll_ref'], 'v2_ref': refang['v2_ref'], 'v3_ref': refang['v3_ref']}, meta={ 'image_model': image_model, 'catalog': catalog, 'name': model_name, 'group_id': image_model.meta.group_id, } ) return im
def _parse_catfile(catfile): if catfile is None or not catfile.strip(): return None catdict = {} with open(catfile) as f: catfile_dir = path.dirname(catfile) for line in f.readlines(): sline = line.strip() if not sline or sline[0] == '#': continue data_model, *catalog = sline.split() catalog = list(map(str.strip, catalog)) if len(catalog) == 1: catdict[data_model] = path.join(catfile_dir, catalog[0]) elif len(catalog) == 0: catdict[data_model] = None else: raise ValueError("'catfile' can contain at most two columns.") return catdict