Source code for jwst.skymatch.skystatistics

`skystatistics` module provides statistics computation class used by
and :py:class:`~jwst.skymatch.skyimage.SkyImage`.

:Authors: Mihai Cara (contact:

from stsci.imagestats import ImageStats
from copy import deepcopy

__all__ = ['SkyStats']
__taskname__ = 'skystatistics'
__author__ = 'Mihai Cara'

[docs] class SkyStats(): """ This is a superclass build on top of :py:class:`stsci.imagestats.ImageStats`. Compared to :py:class:`stsci.imagestats.ImageStats`, `SkyStats` has "persistent settings" in the sense that object's parameters need to be set once and these settings will be applied to all subsequent computations on different data. """ def __init__(self, skystat='mean', lower=None, upper=None, nclip=5, lsig=4.0, usig=4.0, binwidth=0.1, **kwargs): """Initializes the SkyStats object. Parameters ----------- skystat : {'mode', 'median', 'mode', 'midpt'}, optional Sets the statistics that will be returned by `~SkyStats.calc_sky`. The following statistics are supported: 'mean', 'mode', 'midpt', and 'median'. First three statistics have the same meaning as in `stsdas.toolbox.imgtools.gstatistics <\ cgi-bin/gethelp.cgi?gstatistics>`_ while 'median' will compute the median of the distribution. lower : float, None, optional Lower limit of usable pixel values for computing the sky. This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s). upper : float, None, optional Upper limit of usable pixel values for computing the sky. This value should be specified in the units of the input image(s). nclip : int, optional A non-negative number of clipping iterations to use when computing the sky value. lsig : float, optional Lower clipping limit, in sigma, used when computing the sky value. usig : float, optional Upper clipping limit, in sigma, used when computing the sky value. binwidth : float, optional Bin width, in sigma, used to sample the distribution of pixel brightness values in order to compute the sky background statistics. kwargs : dict A dictionary of optional arguments to be passed to `ImageStats`. """ self.npix = None self.skyval = None self._fields = ','.join(['npix', skystat]) self._kwargs = deepcopy(kwargs) if 'fields' in self._kwargs: del self._kwargs['fields'] if 'image' in self._kwargs: del self._kwargs['image'] self._kwargs['lower'] = lower self._kwargs['upper'] = upper self._kwargs['nclip'] = nclip self._kwargs['lsig'] = lsig self._kwargs['usig'] = usig self._kwargs['binwidth'] = binwidth self._skystat = {'mean': self._extract_mean, 'mode': self._extract_mode, 'median': self._extract_median, 'midpt': self._extract_midpt }[skystat] def _extract_mean(self, imstat): return imstat.mean def _extract_median(self, imstat): return imstat.median def _extract_mode(self, imstat): return imstat.mode def _extract_midpt(self, imstat): return imstat.midpt
[docs] def calc_sky(self, data): """ Computes statistics on data. Parameters ----------- data : numpy.ndarray A numpy array of values for which the statistics needs to be computed. Returns -------- statistics : tuple A tuple of two values: (`skyvalue`, `npix`), where `skyvalue` is the statistics specified by the `skystat` parameter during the initialization of the `SkyStats` object and `npix` is the number of pixels used in computing the statistics reported in `skyvalue`. """ imstat = ImageStats(image=data, fields=self._fields, **(self._kwargs)) self.skyval = self._skystat(imstat) self.npix = imstat.npix return self.skyval, self.npix
[docs] def __call__(self, data): return self.calc_sky(data)