Available Pipelines
There are many pre-defined pipeline modules for processing data from different instrument observing modes through each of the 3 stages of calibration. For all of the details see Pipeline Stages.
Pipeline/Step Suffix Definitions
However the output file name is determined (see above), the various stage 1, 2, and 3 pipeline modules will use that file name, along with a set of predetermined suffixes, to compose output file names. The output file name suffix will always replace any known suffix of the input file name. Each pipeline module uses the appropriate suffix for the product(s) it is creating. The list of suffixes is shown in the following table. Replacement occurs only if the suffix is one known to the calibration code. Otherwise, the new suffix will simply be appended to the basename of the file.
Product |
Suffix |
Uncalibrated raw input |
uncal |
Corrected ramp data |
ramp |
Corrected countrate image |
rate |
Corrected countrate per integration |
rateints |
Optional fitting results from ramp_fit step |
fitopt |
Background-subtracted image |
bsub |
Per integration background-subtracted image |
bsubints |
Calibrated image |
cal |
Calibrated per integration images |
calints |
CR-flagged image |
crf |
CR-flagged per integration images |
crfints |
Resampled 2D image |
i2d |
Resampled 2D spectrum |
s2d |
Resampled 3D IFU cube |
s3d |
1D extracted spectrum |
x1d |
1D extracted spectra per integration |
x1dints |
1D combined spectrum |
c1d |
Source catalog |
cat |
Segmentation map |
segm |
Time Series imaging photometry |
phot |
Time Series spectroscopic photometry |
whtlt |
Coronagraphic PSF image stack |
psfstack |
Coronagraphic PSF-aligned images |
psfalign |
Coronagraphic PSF-subtracted images |
psfsub |
AMI fringe and closure phases |
ami |
AMI averaged fringe and closure phases |
amiavg |
AMI normalized fringe and closure phases |
aminorm |
For More Information
More information on logging and running pipelines can be found in the stpipe
User’s Guide at For Users.
More detailed information on writing pipelines can be found
in the stpipe
Developer’s Guide at For Developers.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the software, please open an issue at https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwst/issues or contact the JWST Help Desk.