Source code for jwst.pipeline.calwebb_tso3

import os.path as op

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import vstack

from stdatamodels.jwst import datamodels

from jwst.datamodels import ModelContainer

from ..stpipe import Pipeline

from ..outlier_detection import outlier_detection_step
from ..tso_photometry import tso_photometry_step
from ..extract_1d import extract_1d_step
from ..white_light import white_light_step
from ..photom import photom_step

from ..lib.pipe_utils import is_tso
from import FITS_rec

__all__ = ['Tso3Pipeline']

[docs] class Tso3Pipeline(Pipeline): """ TSO3Pipeline: Applies level 3 processing to TSO-mode data from any JWST instrument. Included steps are: * outlier_detection * tso_photometry * extract_1d * photom * white_light """ class_alias = "calwebb_tso3" spec = """ scale_detection = boolean(default=False) """ # Define alias to steps step_defs = {'outlier_detection': outlier_detection_step.OutlierDetectionStep, 'tso_photometry': tso_photometry_step.TSOPhotometryStep, 'extract_1d': extract_1d_step.Extract1dStep, 'photom': photom_step.PhotomStep, 'white_light': white_light_step.WhiteLightStep } reference_file_types = ['gain', 'readnoise']
[docs] def process(self, input): """ Run the TSO3Pipeline Parameters ---------- input: Level3 Association, json format The exposures to process """'Starting calwebb_tso3...') asn_exptypes = ['science'] input_models =, asn_exptypes=asn_exptypes) # Sanity check the input data input_tsovisit = is_tso(input_models[0]) if not input_tsovisit: self.log.error('INPUT DATA ARE NOT TSO MODE. ABORTING PROCESSING.') return if self.output_file is None: self.output_file = input_models.meta.asn_table.products[0].name self.asn_id = input_models.meta.asn_table.asn_id # Input may consist of multiple exposures, so loop over each of them input_exptype = None for cube in input_models: if input_exptype is None: input_exptype = cube.meta.exposure.type # Can't do outlier detection if there isn't a stack of images if len( < 3: self.log.warning('Input data are 2D; skipping outlier_detection') break # Perform regular outlier detection if not self.scale_detection: # Convert CubeModel into ModelContainer of 2-D DataModels to # use as input to outlier detection step input_2dmodels = ModelContainer() for i in range([0]): # convert each plane of data cube into its own array image = datamodels.ImageModel([i], err=cube.err[i], dq=cube.dq[i]) image.update(cube) image.meta.wcs = cube.meta.wcs input_2dmodels.append(image)"Performing outlier detection on input images ...") input_2dmodels = self.outlier_detection(input_2dmodels) # Transfer updated DQ values to original input observation for i in range([0]): # Update DQ arrays with those from outlier_detection step cube.dq[i] = np.bitwise_or(cube.dq[i], input_2dmodels[i].dq) cube.meta.cal_step.outlier_detection = \ input_2dmodels[0].meta.cal_step.outlier_detection del input_2dmodels else:"Performing scaled outlier detection on input images ...") self.outlier_detection.scale_detection = True cube = self.outlier_detection(cube) # Save crfints products if input_models[0].meta.cal_step.outlier_detection == 'COMPLETE':"Saving crfints products with updated DQ arrays ...") for cube in input_models: # preserve output filename original_filename = cube.meta.filename self.save_model( cube, output_file=original_filename, suffix='crfints', asn_id=input_models.meta.asn_table.asn_id ) cube.meta.filename = original_filename # Create final photometry results as a single output # regardless of how many input members there may be phot_result_list = [] # Imaging if (input_exptype == 'NRC_TSIMAGE' or (input_exptype == 'MIR_IMAGE' and input_tsovisit)): # Create name for extracted photometry (Level 3) product phot_tab_suffix = 'phot' for cube in input_models: # Extract Photometry from imaging data phot_result_list.append(self.tso_photometry(cube)) # Spectroscopy else: # Create name for extracted white-light (Level 3) product phot_tab_suffix = 'whtlt' # Working with spectroscopic TSO data; # define output for x1d (level 3) products x1d_result = datamodels.MultiSpecModel() x1d_result.update(input_models[0], only="PRIMARY") x1d_result.int_times = FITS_rec.from_columns(input_models[0].int_times.columns, nrows=input_models[0].meta.exposure.nints) # Remove source_type from the output model, if it exists, to prevent # the creation of an empty SCI extension just for that keyword. = None # For each exposure in the TSO... for cube in input_models: # Process spectroscopic TSO data # extract 1D"Extracting 1-D spectra ...") result = self.extract_1d(cube) for row in cube.int_times: # Subtract one to assign 1-indexed int_nums to int_times array locations x1d_result.int_times[row[0] - 1] = row # SOSS F277W may return None - don't bother with that if result is not None: if input_exptype == 'NIS_SOSS': # SOSS data have yet to be photometrically calibrated # Calibrate 1D spectra here. result = self.photom(result) x1d_result.spec.extend(result.spec) # perform white-light photometry on 1d extracted data"Performing white-light photometry ...") phot_result_list.append(self.white_light(result)) # Update some metadata from the association x1d_result.meta.asn.pool_name = input_models.meta.asn_table.asn_pool x1d_result.meta.asn.table_name = op.basename(input) # Save the final x1d Multispec model self.save_model(x1d_result, suffix='x1dints') # Done with all the inputs input_models.close() # Check for all null photometry results before saving all_none = np.all([(x is None) for x in phot_result_list]) if all_none: self.log.warning("Could not create a photometric catalog; all results are null") else: # Otherwise, save results to a photometry catalog file phot_results = vstack(phot_result_list) phot_results.meta['number_of_integrations'] = len(phot_results) phot_tab_name = self.make_output_path(suffix=phot_tab_suffix, ext='ecsv')"Writing Level 3 photometry catalog {phot_tab_name}") phot_results.write(phot_tab_name, format='ascii.ecsv', overwrite=True) # All done. Nothing to return, because all products have # been created here. return