Source code for jwst.resample.resample

import logging
import os

import numpy as np
from drizzle import util
from drizzle import cdrizzle
import psutil
from spherical_geometry.polygon import SphericalPolygon

from stdatamodels.jwst import datamodels
from stdatamodels.jwst.library.basic_utils import bytes2human

from jwst.datamodels import ModelContainer

from . import gwcs_drizzle
from . import resample_utils
from ..model_blender import blendmeta

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["OutputTooLargeError", "ResampleData"]

[docs] class OutputTooLargeError(RuntimeError): """Raised when the output is too large for in-memory instantiation"""
[docs] class ResampleData: """ This is the controlling routine for the resampling process. Notes ----- This routine performs the following operations:: 1. Extracts parameter settings from input model, such as pixfrac, weight type, exposure time (if relevant), and kernel, and merges them with any user-provided values. 2. Creates output WCS based on input images and define mapping function between all input arrays and the output array. 3. Updates output data model with output arrays from drizzle, including a record of metadata from all input models. """ def __init__(self, input_models, output=None, single=False, blendheaders=True, pixfrac=1.0, kernel="square", fillval="INDEF", wht_type="ivm", good_bits=0, pscale_ratio=1.0, pscale=None, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- input_models : list of objects list of data models, one for each input image output : str filename for output kwargs : dict Other parameters. .. note:: ``output_shape`` is in the ``x, y`` order. .. note:: ``in_memory`` controls whether or not the resampled array from ``resample_many_to_many()`` should be kept in memory or written out to disk and deleted from memory. Default value is `True` to keep all products in memory. """ self.input_models = input_models self.output_filename = output self.pscale_ratio = pscale_ratio self.single = single self.blendheaders = blendheaders self.pixfrac = pixfrac self.kernel = kernel self.fillval = fillval self.weight_type = wht_type self.good_bits = good_bits self.in_memory = kwargs.get('in_memory', True) self.input_pixscale0 = None # computed pixel scale of the first image (deg) self._recalc_pscale_ratio = pscale is not None"Driz parameter kernel: {self.kernel}")"Driz parameter pixfrac: {self.pixfrac}")"Driz parameter fillval: {self.fillval}")"Driz parameter weight_type: {self.weight_type}") output_wcs = kwargs.get('output_wcs', None) output_shape = kwargs.get('output_shape', None) crpix = kwargs.get('crpix', None) crval = kwargs.get('crval', None) rotation = kwargs.get('rotation', None) self.asn_id = kwargs.get('asn_id', None) if pscale is not None:'Output pixel scale: {pscale} arcsec.') pscale /= 3600.0 else:'Output pixel scale ratio: {pscale_ratio}') if output_wcs: # Use user-supplied reference WCS for the resampled image: self.output_wcs = output_wcs if output_shape is not None: self.output_wcs.array_shape = output_shape[::-1] if output_wcs.pixel_area is None: output_pix_area = _compute_image_pixel_area(self.output_wcs) if output_pix_area is None: raise ValueError( "Unable to compute output pixel area from 'output_wcs'." ) else: output_pix_area = output_wcs.pixel_area else: # Define output WCS based on all inputs, including a reference WCS: self.output_wcs = resample_utils.make_output_wcs( self.input_models, ref_wcs=output_wcs, pscale_ratio=self.pscale_ratio, pscale=pscale, rotation=rotation, shape=None if output_shape is None else output_shape[::-1], crpix=crpix, crval=crval ) # Estimate output pixel area in Sr. NOTE: in principle we could # use the same algorithm as for when output_wcs is provided by the # user. tr = self.output_wcs.pipeline[0].transform output_pix_area = ( np.deg2rad(tr['cdelt1'].factor.value) * np.deg2rad(tr['cdelt2'].factor.value) ) if pscale is None: pscale = np.rad2deg(np.sqrt(output_pix_area))'Computed output pixel scale: {3600.0 * pscale} arcsec.') self.pscale = pscale # in deg log.debug('Output mosaic size: {}'.format(self.output_wcs.array_shape)) allowed_memory = kwargs['allowed_memory'] if allowed_memory is None: allowed_memory = os.environ.get('DMODEL_ALLOWED_MEMORY', allowed_memory) if allowed_memory: allowed_memory = float(allowed_memory) # make a small image model to get the dtype dtype = datamodels.ImageModel((1, 1)).data.dtype # get the available memory available_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().available + psutil.swap_memory().total # compute the output array size required_memory = * dtype.itemsize # compare used to available used_fraction = required_memory / available_memory can_allocate = used_fraction <= allowed_memory else: can_allocate = True if not can_allocate: raise OutputTooLargeError( f'Combined ImageModel size {self.output_wcs.array_shape} ' f'requires {bytes2human(required_memory)}. ' f'Model cannot be instantiated.' ) self.blank_output = datamodels.ImageModel(tuple(self.output_wcs.array_shape)) # update meta data and wcs self.blank_output.update(input_models[0]) self.blank_output.meta.wcs = self.output_wcs self.blank_output.meta.photometry.pixelarea_steradians = output_pix_area self.blank_output.meta.photometry.pixelarea_arcsecsq = ( output_pix_area * np.rad2deg(3600)**2 ) self.output_models = ModelContainer(open_models=False)
[docs] def do_drizzle(self): """Pick the correct drizzling mode based on self.single """ if self.single: return self.resample_many_to_many() else: return self.resample_many_to_one()
[docs] def blend_output_metadata(self, output_model): """Create new output metadata based on blending all input metadata.""" # Run fitsblender on output product output_file = output_model.meta.filename ignore_list = [ 'meta.photometry.pixelarea_steradians', 'meta.photometry.pixelarea_arcsecsq', ]'Blending metadata for {}'.format(output_file)) blendmeta.blendmodels( output_model, inputs=self.input_models, output=output_file, ignore=ignore_list )
[docs] def resample_many_to_many(self): """Resample many inputs to many outputs where outputs have a common frame. Coadd only different detectors of the same exposure, i.e. map NRCA5 and NRCB5 onto the same output image, as they image different areas of the sky. Used for outlier detection """ for exposure in self.input_models.models_grouped: output_model = self.blank_output # Determine output file type from input exposure filenames # Use this for defining the output filename indx = exposure[0].meta.filename.rfind('.') output_type = exposure[0].meta.filename[indx:] output_root = '_'.join(exposure[0].meta.filename.replace( output_type, '').split('_')[:-1]) if self.asn_id is not None: output_model.meta.filename = f'{output_root}_{self.asn_id}_outlier_i2d{output_type}' else: output_model.meta.filename = f'{output_root}_outlier_i2d{output_type}' # Initialize the output with the wcs driz = gwcs_drizzle.GWCSDrizzle(output_model, pixfrac=self.pixfrac, kernel=self.kernel, fillval=self.fillval)"{len(exposure)} exposures to drizzle together") for img in exposure: img = input_pixflux_area = img.meta.photometry.pixelarea_steradians if (input_pixflux_area and 'SPECTRAL' not in img.meta.wcs.output_frame.axes_type): img.meta.wcs.array_shape = input_pixel_area = _compute_image_pixel_area(img.meta.wcs) if input_pixel_area is None: raise ValueError( "Unable to compute input pixel area from WCS of input " f"image {repr(img.meta.filename)}." ) if self.input_pixscale0 is None: self.input_pixscale0 = np.rad2deg( np.sqrt(input_pixel_area) ) if self._recalc_pscale_ratio: self.pscale_ratio = self.pscale / self.input_pixscale0 iscale = np.sqrt(input_pixflux_area / input_pixel_area) else: iscale = 1.0 # TODO: should weight_type=None here? inwht = resample_utils.build_driz_weight( img, weight_type=self.weight_type, good_bits=self.good_bits ) # apply sky subtraction blevel = img.meta.background.level if not img.meta.background.subtracted and blevel is not None: data = - blevel else: data = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = resample_utils._resample_range( data.shape, img.meta.wcs.bounding_box ) driz.add_image( data, img.meta.wcs, iscale=iscale, inwht=inwht, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax ) del data img.close() if not self.in_memory: # Write out model to disk, then return filename output_name = output_model.meta.filename"Saved model in {output_name}") self.output_models.append(output_name) else: self.output_models.append(output_model.copy()) *= 0. output_model.wht *= 0. return self.output_models
[docs] def resample_many_to_one(self): """Resample and coadd many inputs to a single output. Used for stage 3 resampling """ output_model = self.blank_output.copy() output_model.meta.filename = self.output_filename output_model.meta.resample.weight_type = self.weight_type output_model.meta.resample.pointings = len(self.input_models.group_names) if self.blendheaders: self.blend_output_metadata(output_model) # Initialize the output with the wcs driz = gwcs_drizzle.GWCSDrizzle(output_model, pixfrac=self.pixfrac, kernel=self.kernel, fillval=self.fillval)"Resampling science data") for img in self.input_models: input_pixflux_area = img.meta.photometry.pixelarea_steradians if (input_pixflux_area and 'SPECTRAL' not in img.meta.wcs.output_frame.axes_type): img.meta.wcs.array_shape = input_pixel_area = _compute_image_pixel_area(img.meta.wcs) if input_pixel_area is None: raise ValueError( "Unable to compute input pixel area from WCS of input " f"image {repr(img.meta.filename)}." ) if self.input_pixscale0 is None: self.input_pixscale0 = np.rad2deg( np.sqrt(input_pixel_area) ) if self._recalc_pscale_ratio: self.pscale_ratio = self.pscale / self.input_pixscale0 iscale = np.sqrt(input_pixflux_area / input_pixel_area) else: iscale = 1.0 img.meta.iscale = iscale inwht = resample_utils.build_driz_weight(img, weight_type=self.weight_type, good_bits=self.good_bits) # apply sky subtraction blevel = img.meta.background.level if not img.meta.background.subtracted and blevel is not None: data = - blevel else: data = xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = resample_utils._resample_range( data.shape, img.meta.wcs.bounding_box ) driz.add_image( data, img.meta.wcs, iscale=iscale, inwht=inwht, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax ) del data, inwht # Resample variances array in self.input_models to output_model self.resample_variance_array("var_rnoise", output_model) self.resample_variance_array("var_poisson", output_model) self.resample_variance_array("var_flat", output_model) output_model.err = np.sqrt( np.nansum( [ output_model.var_rnoise, output_model.var_poisson, output_model.var_flat ], axis=0 ) ) self.update_exposure_times(output_model) self.output_models.append(output_model) for img in self.input_models: del img.meta.iscale return self.output_models
[docs] def resample_variance_array(self, name, output_model): """Resample variance arrays from self.input_models to the output_model Resample the ``name`` variance array to the same name in output_model, using a cumulative sum. This modifies output_model in-place. """ output_wcs = output_model.meta.wcs inverse_variance_sum = np.full_like(, np.nan)"Resampling {name}") for model in self.input_models: variance = getattr(model, name) if variance is None or variance.size == 0: log.debug( f"No data for '{name}' for model " f"{repr(model.meta.filename)}. Skipping ..." ) continue elif variance.shape != log.warning( f"Data shape mismatch for '{name}' for model " f"{repr(model.meta.filename)}. Skipping ..." ) continue # Make input weight map of unity where there is science data inwht = resample_utils.build_driz_weight( model, weight_type=None, good_bits=self.good_bits ) resampled_variance = np.zeros_like( outwht = np.zeros_like( outcon = np.zeros_like(output_model.con) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = resample_utils._resample_range( variance.shape, model.meta.wcs.bounding_box ) iscale = model.meta.iscale # Resample the variance array. Fill "unpopulated" pixels with NaNs. self.drizzle_arrays( variance, inwht, model.meta.wcs, output_wcs, resampled_variance, outwht, outcon, iscale=iscale**2, pixfrac=self.pixfrac, kernel=self.kernel, fillval=np.nan, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax ) # Add the inverse of the resampled variance to a running sum. # Update only pixels (in the running sum) with valid new values: mask = resampled_variance > 0 inverse_variance_sum[mask] = np.nansum( [inverse_variance_sum[mask], np.reciprocal(resampled_variance[mask])], axis=0 ) # We now have a sum of the inverse resampled variances. We need the # inverse of that to get back to units of variance. output_variance = np.reciprocal(inverse_variance_sum) setattr(output_model, name, output_variance)
[docs] def update_exposure_times(self, output_model): """Modify exposure time metadata in-place""" total_exposure_time = 0. exposure_times = {'start': [], 'end': []} duration = 0.0 total_measurement_time = 0.0 measurement_time_failures = [] for exposure in self.input_models.models_grouped: total_exposure_time += exposure[0].meta.exposure.exposure_time if not resample_utils._check_for_tmeasure(exposure[0]): measurement_time_failures.append(1) else: total_measurement_time += exposure[0].meta.exposure.measurement_time measurement_time_failures.append(0) exposure_times['start'].append(exposure[0].meta.exposure.start_time) exposure_times['end'].append(exposure[0].meta.exposure.end_time) duration += exposure[0].meta.exposure.duration # Update some basic exposure time values based on output_model output_model.meta.exposure.exposure_time = total_exposure_time if not any(measurement_time_failures): output_model.meta.exposure.measurement_time = total_measurement_time output_model.meta.exposure.start_time = min(exposure_times['start']) output_model.meta.exposure.end_time = max(exposure_times['end']) # Update other exposure time keywords: # XPOSURE (identical to the total effective exposure time, EFFEXPTM) xposure = total_exposure_time output_model.meta.exposure.effective_exposure_time = xposure # DURATION (identical to TELAPSE, elapsed time) output_model.meta.exposure.duration = duration output_model.meta.exposure.elapsed_exposure_time = duration
[docs] @staticmethod def drizzle_arrays(insci, inwht, input_wcs, output_wcs, outsci, outwht, outcon, uniqid=1, xmin=0, xmax=0, ymin=0, ymax=0, iscale=1.0, pixfrac=1.0, kernel='square', fillval="INDEF", wtscale=1.0): """ Low level routine for performing 'drizzle' operation on one image. The interface is compatible with STScI code. All images are Python ndarrays, instead of filenames. File handling (input and output) is performed by the calling routine. Parameters ---------- insci : 2d array A 2d numpy array containing the input image to be drizzled. inwht : 2d array A 2d numpy array containing the pixel by pixel weighting. Must have the same dimensions as insci. If none is supplied, the weighting is set to one. input_wcs : gwcs.WCS object The world coordinate system of the input image. output_wcs : gwcs.WCS object The world coordinate system of the output image. outsci : 2d array A 2d numpy array containing the output image produced by drizzling. On the first call it should be set to zero. Subsequent calls it will hold the intermediate results. This is modified in-place. outwht : 2d array A 2d numpy array containing the output counts. On the first call it should be set to zero. On subsequent calls it will hold the intermediate results. This is modified in-place. outcon : 2d or 3d array, optional A 2d or 3d numpy array holding a bitmap of which image was an input for each output pixel. Should be integer zero on first call. Subsequent calls hold intermediate results. This is modified in-place. uniqid : int, optional The id number of the input image. Should be one the first time this function is called and incremented by one on each subsequent call. xmin : int, optional This and the following three parameters set a bounding rectangle on the input image. Only pixels on the input image inside this rectangle will have their flux added to the output image. Xmin sets the minimum value of the x dimension. The x dimension is the dimension that varies quickest on the image. All four parameters are zero based, counting starts at zero. xmax : int, optional Sets the maximum value of the x dimension on the bounding box of the input image. If ``xmax = 0``, no maximum will be set in the x dimension (all pixels in a row of the input image will be resampled). ymin : int, optional Sets the minimum value in the y dimension on the bounding box. The y dimension varies less rapidly than the x and represents the line index on the input image. ymax : int, optional Sets the maximum value in the y dimension. If ``ymax = 0``, no maximum will be set in the y dimension (all pixels in a column of the input image will be resampled). iscale : float, optional A scale factor to be applied to pixel intensities of the input image before resampling. pixfrac : float, optional The fraction of a pixel that the pixel flux is confined to. The default value of 1 has the pixel flux evenly spread across the image. A value of 0.5 confines it to half a pixel in the linear dimension, so the flux is confined to a quarter of the pixel area when the square kernel is used. kernel: str, optional The name of the kernel used to combine the input. The choice of kernel controls the distribution of flux over the kernel. The kernel names are: "square", "gaussian", "point", "turbo", "lanczos2", and "lanczos3". The square kernel is the default. fillval: str, optional The value a pixel is set to in the output if the input image does not overlap it. The default value of INDEF does not set a value. Returns ------- A tuple with three values: a version string, the number of pixels on the input image that do not overlap the output image, and the number of complete lines on the input image that do not overlap the output input image. """ # Insure that the fillval parameter gets properly interpreted for use with tdriz if util.is_blank(str(fillval)): fillval = 'INDEF' else: fillval = str(fillval) if insci.dtype > np.float32: insci = insci.astype(np.float32) # Add input weight image if it was not passed in if inwht is None: inwht = np.ones_like(insci) # Compute what plane of the context image this input would # correspond to: planeid = int((uniqid - 1) / 32) # Check if the context image has this many planes if outcon.ndim == 3: nplanes = outcon.shape[0] elif outcon.ndim == 2: nplanes = 1 else: nplanes = 0 if nplanes <= planeid: raise IndexError("Not enough planes in drizzle context image") # Alias context image to the requested plane if 3d if outcon.ndim == 3: outcon = outcon[planeid] # Compute the mapping between the input and output pixel coordinates # for use in drizzle.cdrizzle.tdriz pixmap = resample_utils.calc_gwcs_pixmap(input_wcs, output_wcs, insci.shape) log.debug(f"Pixmap shape: {pixmap[:,:,0].shape}") log.debug(f"Input Sci shape: {insci.shape}") log.debug(f"Output Sci shape: {outsci.shape}")"Drizzling {insci.shape} --> {outsci.shape}") _vers, _nmiss, _nskip = cdrizzle.tdriz( insci, inwht, pixmap, outsci, outwht, outcon, uniqid=uniqid, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, scale=iscale, pixfrac=pixfrac, kernel=kernel, in_units="cps", expscale=1.0, wtscale=wtscale, fillstr=fillval )
def _get_boundary_points(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dx=None, dy=None, shrink=0): """ xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax - integer coordinates of pixel boundaries step - distance between points along an edge shrink - number of pixels by which to reduce `shape` Returns a list of points and the area of the rectangle """ nx = xmax - xmin + 1 ny = ymax - ymin + 1 if dx is None: dx = nx if dy is None: dy = ny if nx - 2 * shrink < 1 or ny - 2 * shrink < 1: raise ValueError("Image size is too small.") sx = max(1, int(np.ceil(nx / dx))) sy = max(1, int(np.ceil(ny / dy))) xmin += shrink xmax -= shrink ymin += shrink ymax -= shrink size = 2 * sx + 2 * sy x = np.empty(size) y = np.empty(size) b = np.s_[0:sx] # bottom edge r = np.s_[sx:sx + sy] # right edge t = np.s_[sx + sy:2 * sx + sy] # top edge l = np.s_[2 * sx + sy:2 * sx + 2 * sy] # left x[b] = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, sx, False) y[b] = ymin x[r] = xmax y[r] = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, sy, False) x[t] = np.linspace(xmax, xmin, sx, False) y[t] = ymax x[l] = xmin y[l] = np.linspace(ymax, ymin, sy, False) area = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) center = (0.5 * (xmin + xmax), 0.5 * (ymin + ymax)) return x, y, area, center, b, r, t, l def _compute_image_pixel_area(wcs): """ Computes pixel area in steradians. """ if wcs.array_shape is None: raise ValueError("WCS must have array_shape attribute set.") valid_polygon = False spatial_idx = np.where(np.array(wcs.output_frame.axes_type) == 'SPATIAL')[0] ny, nx = wcs.array_shape ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) = wcs.bounding_box xmin = max(0, int(xmin + 0.5)) xmax = min(nx - 1, int(xmax - 0.5)) ymin = max(0, int(ymin + 0.5)) ymax = min(ny - 1, int(ymax - 0.5)) if xmin > xmax: (xmin, xmax) = (xmax, xmin) if ymin > ymax: (ymin, ymax) = (ymax, ymin) k = 0 dxy = [1, -1, -1, 1] while xmin < xmax and ymin < ymax: try: x, y, image_area, center, b, r, t, l = _get_boundary_points( xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, dx=min((xmax - xmin) // 4, 15), dy=min((ymax - ymin) // 4, 15) ) except ValueError: return None world = wcs(x, y) ra = world[spatial_idx[0]] dec = world[spatial_idx[1]] limits = [ymin, xmax, ymax, xmin] for j in range(4): sl = [b, r, t, l][k] if not (np.all(np.isfinite(ra[sl])) and np.all(np.isfinite(dec[sl]))): limits[k] += dxy[k] ymin, xmax, ymax, xmin = limits k = (k + 1) % 4 break k = (k + 1) % 4 else: valid_polygon = True break ymin, xmax, ymax, xmin = limits if not valid_polygon: return None world = wcs(*center) wcenter = (world[spatial_idx[0]], world[spatial_idx[1]]) sky_area = SphericalPolygon.from_radec(ra, dec, center=wcenter).area() if sky_area > 2 * np.pi: log.warning( "Unexpectedly large computed sky area for an image. " "Setting area to: 4*Pi - area" ) sky_area = 4 * np.pi - sky_area pix_area = sky_area / image_area return pix_area