calwebb_wfs-image3: Stage 3 WFS&C Processing
- Class:
- Alias:
Stage 3 processing of Wavefront Sensing and Control (WFS&C) images is only performed
for dithered pairs of WFS&C exposures. The processing applied is not truly a
“pipeline”, but consists only of the single wfs_combine step.
The calwebb_wfs-image3
alias exists only for consistency and
compatibility with stage 3 processing of other observing modes. The same result could
be obtained by just running the wfs_combine step directly.
The calwebb_wfs-image3
pipeline has one optional argument:
--do_refine boolean default=False
If set to True
, offsets between the dithered images computed from the WCS will be
refined empirically using a cross-correlation technique.
See wfs_combine for details.
2D calibrated images
- Data model:
- File suffix:
The input to calwebb_wfs-image3
is a pair of calibrated (“_cal”) exposures, specified
via an ASN file.
2D combined image
- Data model:
- File suffix:
The output is a combined image, using the product type suffix “_wfscmb.” See wfs_combine for details on how this combined image is produced.