Configuration (CFG) Files


The cfg format can still be used but is deprecated in favor of ASDF Parameter Files. Please convert any processes that use cfg files to the ASDF format. Note also that all cfg files that are currently being delivered in the package and retrieved using collect_pipeline_cfgs set no parameters; files are empty. All steps query CRDS parameter references for any data-dependent parameter settings, or use coded defaults.

The cfg format for configuration files uses the well-known ini-file format.

You can use the collect_pipeline_cfgs task to get copies of all the cfg files currently in use by the jwst pipeline software. The task takes a single argument, which is the name of the directory to which you want the cfg files copied. Use ‘.’ to specify the current working directory, e.g.

$ collect_pipeline_cfgs .

Each step and pipeline has their own cfg file, which are used to specify relevant parameter values. For each step in a pipeline, the pipeline cfg file specifies either the step’s arguments or the cfg file containing the step’s arguments.

For a given step, the step’s cfg file specifies parameters and their default values; it includes parameters that are typically not changed between runs. Parameters that are usually reset for each run are not included in the cfg file, but instead specified on the command line. An example of a cfg file for the jump detection step is:

name = "jump"
class = "jwst.jump.JumpStep"
rejection_threshold = 4.0

You can list all of the parameters for this step using:

$ strun jump.cfg -h

which gives the usage, the positional arguments, and the optional arguments.