Source code for jwst.associations.lib.process_list

"""Reprocessing List"""
from collections import deque
from enum import Enum
from functools import reduce

__all__ = [

[docs] class ListCategory(Enum): RULES = 0 BOTH = 1 EXISTING = 2 NONSCIENCE = 3
[docs] class ProcessItem: """Items to be processed Parameters ---------- obj : object The object to make a `ProcessItem`. Objects must be equatable. """ def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj
[docs] @classmethod def to_process_items(cls, iterable): """Iterable to convert a list to ProcessItem's Parameters ---------- iterable : iterable A source of objects to convert Returns ------- An iterable where the object has been converted to a `ProcessItem` """ for obj in iterable: yield cls(obj)
def __hash__(self): try: hash_value = self.obj.__hash__() except (AttributeError, TypeError): hash_value = hash(repr(self)) return hash_value def __eq__(self, other): try: equality = self.obj == other.obj except AttributeError: equality = self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() return equality
[docs] class ProcessList: """A Process list Parameters ---------- items : [item[, ...]] The list of items to process rules : [Association[, ...]] List of rules to process the items against. work_over : int What the reprocessing should work on: - `ProcessList.EXISTING`: Only existing associations - `ProcessList.RULES`: Only on the rules to create new associations - `ProcessList.BOTH`: Compare to both existing and rules - `ProcessList.NONSCIENCE`: Only on non-science items only_on_match : bool Only use this object if the overall condition is True. trigger_constraints : [Constraint[,...]] The constraints that created the ProcessList trigger_rules : [Association[,...]] The association rules that created the ProcessList """ _str_attrs = ('rules', 'work_over', 'only_on_match', 'trigger_constraints', 'trigger_rules') def __init__(self, items=None, rules=None, work_over=ListCategory.BOTH, only_on_match=False, trigger_constraints=None, trigger_rules=None): self.items = items self.rules = rules self.work_over = work_over self.only_on_match = only_on_match self.trigger_constraints = set(trigger_constraints) if trigger_constraints else set() self.trigger_rules = set(trigger_rules) if trigger_rules else set() @property def hash(self): """Create a unique hash""" return (tuple(self.rules), self.work_over, self.only_on_match)
[docs] def update(self, process_list, full=False): """Update with information from ProcessList Attributes from `process_list` are added to self's attributes. If `not full`, the attributes `rules`, 'work_over`, and `only_on_match` are not taken. Note that if `full`, destructive action will occur with respect to `work_over` and `only_on_match`. Parameters ---------- process_list : ProcessList The source process list to absorb. full : bool Include the hash attributes `rules`, `work_over`, and `only_on_match`. """ self.items += process_list.items self.trigger_constraints.update(process_list.trigger_constraints) self.trigger_rules.update(process_list.trigger_rules) if full: self.rules += process_list.rules self.work_over = process_list.work_over self.only_on_match = process_list.only_on_match
def __str__(self): result = '{}(n_items: {}, {})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, len(self.items), { str_attr: getattr(self, str_attr) for str_attr in self._str_attrs } ) return result
[docs] class ProcessQueue(deque): """Make a deque iterable and mutable""" def __iter__(self): while True: try: yield self.popleft() except: break
class ProcessListQueue: """First-In-First-Out queue of ProcessLists Parameters ---------- init : [ProcessList[,...]] or None List of ProcessLists to put on the queue. """ def __init__(self, init=None): self._queue = dict() if init is not None: self.extend(init) def append(self, process_list): """Add ProcessList to queue""" plhash = process_list.hash if plhash not in self._queue: self._queue[plhash] = process_list else: self._queue[plhash].update(process_list) def extend(self, iterable): """Add objects if not already in the queue""" for process_list in iterable: self.append(process_list) def items(self): """Return list generator of all items""" for plhash in self._queue: for item in self._queue[plhash].items: yield item def popleft(self): """Pop the first-in object""" plhash = next(iter(self._queue)) process_list = self._queue[plhash] del self._queue[plhash] return process_list def __len__(self): return len(self._queue) def __iter__(self): while True: try: yield self.popleft() except: break def __str__(self): result = f'{self.__class__.__name__}: rulesets {len(self)} items {len(list(self.items()))}' return result
[docs] class ProcessQueueSorted: """Sort ProcessItem based on work_over `ProcessList`s are handled in order of `RULES`, `BOTH`, `EXISTING`, and `NONSCIENCE`. Parameters ---------- init : [ProcessList[,...]] List of `ProcessList` to start the queue with. """ def __init__(self, init=None): self.queues = { list_category: ProcessListQueue() for list_category in ListCategory } if init is not None: self.extend(init)
[docs] def extend(self, process_lists): """Add the list of process items to their appropriate queues""" for process_list in process_lists: self.queues[process_list.work_over].append(process_list)
def __iter__(self): """Return the queues in order""" while len(self) > 0: for category in ListCategory: for process_list in self.queues[category]: yield process_list break else: continue break def __len__(self): return reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), self.queues.values(), 0) def __str__(self): result = f'{self.__class__.__name__}:' for queue in self.queues: result += f'\n\tQueue {queue}: {self.queues[queue]}' return result
def workover_filter(process_list, work_over): """Determine and modify workover of input process list Parameters --------- process_list : ProcessList The process list under consideration work_over : ListCategory The ListCategory to compare against. Returns ------- process_list : ProcessList or None The input process_list with work_over modified. None if the process list should not be continued. """ result = process_list if process_list.work_over in [ListCategory.RULES, ListCategory.BOTH]: if work_over in [ListCategory.RULES, ListCategory.BOTH]: result.work_over = ListCategory.BOTH else: result = None elif work_over not in [ListCategory.RULES, ListCategory.BOTH]: result = None return result