Source code for jwst.coron.align_refs_step

""" Replace bad pixels and align psf image with target image."""

from stdatamodels.dqflags import interpret_bit_flags
from stdatamodels.jwst import datamodels
from stdatamodels.jwst.datamodels.dqflags import pixel

from ..stpipe import Step
from . import imageregistration
from . median_replace_img import median_replace_img

__all__ = ["AlignRefsStep"]

[docs] class AlignRefsStep(Step): """ AlignRefsStep: Align coronagraphic PSF images with science target images. """ class_alias = "align_refs" spec = """ median_box_length = integer(default=3,min=0) # box size for the median filter bad_bits = string(default="DO_NOT_USE") # the DQ bit values of bad pixels """ reference_file_types = ['psfmask']
[docs] def process(self, target, psf): # Open the input science target model with as target_model: # Get the name of the psf mask reference file to use self.mask_name = self.get_reference_file(target_model, 'psfmask')'Using PSFMASK reference file %s', self.mask_name) # Check for a valid reference file if self.mask_name == 'N/A': self.log.warning('No PSFMASK reference file found') self.log.warning('Align_refs step will be skipped') return None # Open the psf mask reference file mask_model = datamodels.ImageModel(self.mask_name) # Open the input psf images psf_model = # Retrieve the box size for the filter box_size = self.median_box_length # Get the bit value of bad pixels. A value of 0 treats all pixels as good. bad_bitvalue = self.bad_bits bad_bitvalue = interpret_bit_flags(bad_bitvalue, mnemonic_map=pixel) if bad_bitvalue is None: bad_bitvalue = 0 # Replace bad pixels in the psf images psf_model = median_replace_img(psf_model, box_size, bad_bitvalue) # Replace bad pixels in the target images target_model = median_replace_img(target_model, box_size, bad_bitvalue) # Call the alignment routine result = imageregistration.align_models(target_model, psf_model, mask_model) result.meta.cal_step.align_psfs = 'COMPLETE' mask_model.close() psf_model.close() return result