Source code for jwst.jump.jump_step

#! /usr/bin/env python
from stdatamodels.jwst import datamodels

from ..stpipe import Step
from .jump import run_detect_jumps
import time
import multiprocessing

__all__ = ["JumpStep"]

multiprocessing.set_start_method('forkserver', force=True)

[docs] class JumpStep(Step): """ JumpStep: Performs CR/jump detection on each ramp integration within an exposure. The 2-point difference method is applied. """ spec = """ rejection_threshold = float(default=4.0,min=0) # CR sigma rejection threshold three_group_rejection_threshold = float(default=6.0,min=0) # CR sigma rejection threshold four_group_rejection_threshold = float(default=5.0,min=0) # CR sigma rejection threshold maximum_cores = string(default='1') # cores for multiprocessing. Can be an integer, 'half', 'quarter', or 'all' flag_4_neighbors = boolean(default=True) # flag the four perpendicular neighbors of each CR max_jump_to_flag_neighbors = float(default=1000) # maximum jump sigma that will trigger neighbor flagging min_jump_to_flag_neighbors = float(default=10) # minimum jump sigma that will trigger neighbor flagging after_jump_flag_dn1 = float(default=0) # 1st flag groups after jump above DN threshold after_jump_flag_time1 = float(default=0) # 1st flag groups after jump groups within specified time after_jump_flag_dn2 = float(default=0) # 2nd flag groups after jump above DN threshold after_jump_flag_time2 = float(default=0) # 2nd flag groups after jump groups within specified time expand_large_events = boolean(default=False) # Turns on Snowball detector for NIR detectors min_sat_area = float(default=1.0) # minimum required area for the central saturation of snowballs min_jump_area = float(default=5.0) # minimum area to trigger large events processing expand_factor = float(default=2.0) # The expansion factor for the enclosing circles or ellipses use_ellipses = boolean(default=False) # deprecated sat_required_snowball = boolean(default=True) # Require the center of snowballs to be saturated min_sat_radius_extend = float(default=2.5) # The min radius of the sat core to trigger the extension of the core sat_expand = integer(default=2) # Number of pixels to add to the radius of the saturated core of snowballs edge_size = integer(default=25) # Size of region on the edges of NIR detectors where a sat core is not required find_showers = boolean(default=False) # Turn on shower flagging for MIRI extend_snr_threshold = float(default=1.2) # The SNR minimum for detection of extended showers in MIRI extend_min_area = integer(default=90) # Min area of emission after convolution for the detection of showers extend_inner_radius = float(default=1) # Inner radius of the ring_2D_kernel used for convolution extend_outer_radius = float(default=2.6) # Outer radius of the ring_2D_Kernel used for convolution extend_ellipse_expand_ratio = float(default=1.1) # Expand the radius of the ellipse fit to the extended emission time_masked_after_shower = float(default=15) # Seconds to flag as jump after a detected extended emission max_extended_radius = integer(default=200) # The maximum radius of an extended snowball or shower minimum_groups = integer(default=3) # The minimum number of groups to perform jump detection using sigma clipping minimum_sigclip_groups = integer(default=100) # The minimum number of groups to switch to sigma clipping only_use_ints = boolean(default=True) # In sigclip only compare the same group across ints, if False compare all groups """ reference_file_types = ['gain', 'readnoise'] class_alias = 'jump'
[docs] def process(self, input): with datamodels.RampModel(input) as input_model: tstart = time.time() # Check for an input model with NGROUPS<=2 ngroups =[1] if ngroups <= 2: self.log.warning('Cannot apply jump detection when NGROUPS<=2;') self.log.warning('Jump step will be skipped') result = input_model.copy() result.meta.cal_step.jump = 'SKIPPED' return result # Retrieve the parameter values rej_thresh = self.rejection_threshold three_grp_rej_thresh = self.three_group_rejection_threshold four_grp_rej_thresh = self.four_group_rejection_threshold max_cores = self.maximum_cores max_jump_to_flag_neighbors = self.max_jump_to_flag_neighbors min_jump_to_flag_neighbors = self.min_jump_to_flag_neighbors flag_4_neighbors = self.flag_4_neighbors after_jump_flag_dn1 = self.after_jump_flag_dn1 after_jump_flag_time1 = self.after_jump_flag_time1 after_jump_flag_dn2 = self.after_jump_flag_dn2 after_jump_flag_time2 = self.after_jump_flag_time2 min_sat_area = self.min_sat_area min_jump_area = self.min_jump_area expand_factor = self.expand_factor use_ellipses = self.use_ellipses sat_required_snowball = self.sat_required_snowball expand_large_events = self.expand_large_events'CR rejection threshold = %g sigma', rej_thresh) if self.maximum_cores != 'none':'Maximum cores to use = %s', max_cores) # Get the gain and readnoise reference files gain_filename = self.get_reference_file(input_model, 'gain')'Using GAIN reference file: %s', gain_filename) gain_model = datamodels.GainModel(gain_filename) readnoise_filename = self.get_reference_file(input_model, 'readnoise')'Using READNOISE reference file: %s', readnoise_filename) readnoise_model = datamodels.ReadnoiseModel(readnoise_filename) # Call the jump detection routine result = run_detect_jumps(input_model, gain_model, readnoise_model, rej_thresh, three_grp_rej_thresh, four_grp_rej_thresh, max_cores, max_jump_to_flag_neighbors, min_jump_to_flag_neighbors, flag_4_neighbors, after_jump_flag_dn1, after_jump_flag_time1, after_jump_flag_dn2, after_jump_flag_time2, min_sat_area=min_sat_area, min_jump_area=min_jump_area, expand_factor=expand_factor, use_ellipses=use_ellipses, min_sat_radius_extend=self.min_sat_radius_extend, sat_required_snowball=sat_required_snowball, sat_expand=self.sat_expand * 2, expand_large_events=expand_large_events, find_showers=self.find_showers, edge_size=self.edge_size, extend_snr_threshold=self.extend_snr_threshold, extend_min_area=self.extend_min_area, extend_inner_radius=self.extend_inner_radius, extend_outer_radius=self.extend_outer_radius, extend_ellipse_expand_ratio=self.extend_ellipse_expand_ratio, time_masked_after_shower=self.time_masked_after_shower, max_extended_radius=self.max_extended_radius * 2, minimum_groups=self.minimum_groups, minimum_sigclip_groups=self.minimum_sigclip_groups, only_use_ints=self.only_use_ints ) gain_model.close() readnoise_model.close() tstop = time.time()'The execution time in seconds: %f', tstop - tstart) result.meta.cal_step.jump = 'COMPLETE' return result