Source code for jwst.lib.engdb_direct

Access the JWST Engineering Mnemonic Database through direct connection

from astropy.time import Time
import logging
from os import getenv
import re
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry

from .engdb_lib import EngDB_Value, EngdbABC, FORCE_STATUSES, RETRIES, TIMEOUT

# Configure logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# #############################################
# Where is the engineering service? Its HERE!!!
# #############################################

# URI paths necessary to access the db
ENGDB_DATA = 'Data/'
ENGDB_DATA_XML = 'xml/Data/'
ENGDB_METADATA = 'MetaData/TlmMnemonics/'
ENGDB_METADATA_XML = 'xml/MetaData/TlmMnemonics/'

__all__ = [

[docs] class EngdbDirect(EngdbABC): """ Access the JWST Engineering Database through direct connection Parameters ---------- base_url : str The base url for the engineering RESTful service default_format : str The format the results of the data should be returned from the service. If 'dict', the result will be in Python dict format. service_kwargs : dict Service-specific keyword arguments that are not relevant to this implementation of EngdbABC. """ #: The base URL for the engineering service. base_url = None #: The format the results of the data should be returned from the service. default_format = None #: The end time of the last query. endtime = None #: The results of the last query. response = None #: The start time of the last query. starttime = None def __init__(self, base_url=None, default_format='dict', **service_kwargs): logger.debug('kwargs not used by this service: %s', service_kwargs) self.configure(base_url=base_url) self.default_format = default_format self.set_session() # Check for aliveness response = self._session.get(''.join([ self.base_url, self.default_format, ENGDB_METADATA ]), timeout=self.timeout) response.raise_for_status() @property def default_format(self): return self._default_format @default_format.setter def default_format(self, result_format): result_format += '/' if result_format == 'dict/': result_format = '' self._default_format = result_format
[docs] def configure(self, base_url=None): """Configure from parameters and environment Parameters ---------- base_url : str The base url for the engineering RESTful service """ # Determine the database to use. if base_url is None: base_url = getenv('ENG_BASE_URL') if not base_url: raise RuntimeError('No engineering database URL given.') if base_url[-1] != '/': base_url += '/' self.base_url = base_url # Get various timeout parameters self.retries = getenv('ENG_RETRIES', RETRIES) self.timeout = getenv('ENG_TIMEOUT', TIMEOUT)
[docs] def get_meta(self, mnemonic='', result_format=None): """Get the mnemonics meta info Parameters ---------- mnemonic : str The engineering mnemonic to retrieve result_format : str The format to request from the service. If None, the `default_format` is used. """ if result_format is None: result_format = self.default_format query = ''.join([ self.base_url, result_format, ENGDB_METADATA, mnemonic ]) logger.debug('Query URL="{}"'.format(query)) # Make our request response = self._session.get(query, timeout=self.timeout) logger.debug('Response="{}"'.format(response)) response.raise_for_status() # That's all folks self.response = response return response.json()
[docs] def get_values( self, mnemonic, starttime, endtime, time_format=None, include_obstime=False, include_bracket_values=False, zip_results=True ): """ Retrieve all results for a mnemonic in the requested time range. Parameters ---------- mnemonic : str The engineering mnemonic to retrieve starttime : str or `astropy.time.Time` The, inclusive, start time to retrieve from. endtime : str or `astropy.time.Time` The, inclusive, end time to retrieve from. time_format : str The format of the input time used if the input times are strings. If None, a guess is made. include_obstime : bool If `True`, the return values will include observation time as `astropy.time.Time`. See `zip_results` for further details. include_bracket_values : bool The DB service, by default, returns the bracketing values outside of the requested time. If `True`, include these values. zip_results : bool If `True` and `include_obstime` is `True`, the return values will be a list of 2-tuples. If false, the return will be a single 2-tuple, where each element is a list. Returns ------- values : [value, ...] or [(obstime, value), ...] or ([obstime,...], [value, ...]) Returns the list of values. See `include_obstime` and `zip_results` for modifications. Raises ------ requests.exceptions.HTTPError Either a bad URL or non-existant mnemonic. """ records = self._get_records( mnemonic=mnemonic, starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime, time_format=time_format ) # Records returned are apparent not strictly correlated with # observation time. So, need to filter further. db_starttime = extract_db_time(records['ReqSTime']) db_endtime = extract_db_time(records['ReqETime']) results = _ValueCollection( include_obstime=include_obstime, zip_results=zip_results ) if records['Data'] is not None: for record in records['Data']: obstime = extract_db_time(record['ObsTime']) if not include_bracket_values: if obstime < db_starttime or obstime > db_endtime: continue value = record['EUValue'] results.append(obstime, value) return results.collection
[docs] def set_session(self): """Setup HTTP session""" s = requests.Session() retries = Retry(total=10, backoff_factor=1.0, status_forcelist=FORCE_STATUSES, raise_on_status=True) s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) self._session = s
def _get_records( self, mnemonic, starttime, endtime, result_format=None, time_format=None ): """ Retrieve all results for a mnemonic in the requested time range. Parameters ---------- mnemonic : str The engineering mnemonic to retrieve starttime : str or astropy.time.Time The, inclusive, start time to retrieve from. endtime : str or astropy.time.Time The, inclusive, end time to retrieve from. result_format : str The format to request from the service. If None, the `default_format` is used. time_format : str The format of the input time used if the input times are strings. If None, a guess is made. Returns ------- records : dict Returns the dict of the request. This includes all the data returned form the DB concerning the requested mnemonic. Raises ------ requests.exceptions.HTTPError Either a bad URL or non-existant mnemonic. Notes ----- The engineering service always returns the bracketing entries before and after the requested time range. """ if result_format is None: result_format = self.default_format if not isinstance(starttime, Time): starttime = Time(starttime, format=time_format) if not isinstance(endtime, Time): endtime = Time(endtime, format=time_format) self.starttime = starttime self.endtime = endtime # Build the URL query = ''.join([ self.base_url, result_format, 'Data/', mnemonic, '?sTime=', starttime.iso, '&eTime=', endtime.iso, ]) logger.debug('Query URL="{}"'.format(query)) # Make our request response = self._session.get(query, timeout=self.timeout) logger.debug('Response: %s', response) logger.debug('Response: %s', response.json()) response.raise_for_status() # That's all folks self.response = response return response.json()
class _ValueCollection(): """Engineering Value Collection Parameters ---------- include_obstime : bool If `True`, the return values will include observation time as `astropy.time.Time`. See `zip_results` for further details. zip_results : bool If `True` and `include_obstime` is `True`, the return values will be a list of 2-tuples. If false, the return will be a single 2-tuple, where each element is a list. Attributes ---------- collection : [value, ...] or [(obstime, value), ...] or ([obstime,...], [value, ...]) Returns the list of values. See `include_obstime` and `zip_results` for modifications. """ def __init__(self, include_obstime=False, zip_results=True): self._include_obstime = include_obstime self._zip_results = zip_results self.obstimes = [] self.values = [] @property def collection(self): if self._include_obstime: obstimes = Time(self.obstimes, format='unix') obstimes.format = 'isot' if self._zip_results: collection = [EngDB_Value(t, v) for t, v in zip(obstimes, self.values)] else: collection = EngDB_Value(obstimes, self.values) else: collection = self.values return collection def append(self, obstime, value): """Append value to collection Parameters ---------- obstime : int(milliseconds) Observation time as returned from the engineering db, in milliseconds value : numeric Value from db. Notes ----- The `obstime` is converted to an `astropy.time.Time` """ # Convert from milliseconds to seconds before appending. self.obstimes.append(obstime / 1000.) self.values.append(value) # ######### # Utilities # ######### def extract_db_time(db_date): """Extract date from date string in the Database Parameters ---------- db_date : str The string from a date field in the database. Returns ------- time : int The UNIX time in milliseconds Notes ----- The format of time in the database is /Date(1234567890123+1234)/ where the plus could be a minus. What is returned is the actual 13 digit number before the plus/minus. """ match = re.match(r'\/Date\((\d{13})(.*)\)\/', db_date) milliseconds = int( return milliseconds