Source code for jwst.pipeline.calwebb_detector1

#!/usr/bin/env python
import logging

from stdatamodels.jwst import datamodels

from ..stpipe import Pipeline

# step imports
from ..group_scale import group_scale_step
from ..dq_init import dq_init_step
from ..emicorr import emicorr_step
from ..saturation import saturation_step
from ..ipc import ipc_step
from ..superbias import superbias_step
from ..refpix import refpix_step
from ..rscd import rscd_step
from ..firstframe import firstframe_step
from ..lastframe import lastframe_step
from ..linearity import linearity_step
from ..dark_current import dark_current_step
from ..reset import reset_step
from ..persistence import persistence_step
from ..charge_migration import charge_migration_step
from ..jump import jump_step
from ..ramp_fitting import ramp_fit_step
from ..gain_scale import gain_scale_step

__all__ = ['Detector1Pipeline']

# Define logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Detector1Pipeline(Pipeline): """ Detector1Pipeline: Apply all calibration steps to raw JWST ramps to produce a 2-D slope product. Included steps are: group_scale, dq_init, saturation, ipc, superbias, refpix, rscd, lastframe, linearity, dark_current, persistence, jump detection, ramp_fit, and gain_scale. """ class_alias = "calwebb_detector1" spec = """ save_calibrated_ramp = boolean(default=False) """ # Define aliases to steps step_defs = {'group_scale': group_scale_step.GroupScaleStep, 'dq_init': dq_init_step.DQInitStep, 'emicorr': emicorr_step.EmiCorrStep, 'saturation': saturation_step.SaturationStep, 'ipc': ipc_step.IPCStep, 'superbias': superbias_step.SuperBiasStep, 'refpix': refpix_step.RefPixStep, 'rscd': rscd_step.RscdStep, 'firstframe': firstframe_step.FirstFrameStep, 'lastframe': lastframe_step.LastFrameStep, 'linearity': linearity_step.LinearityStep, 'dark_current': dark_current_step.DarkCurrentStep, 'reset': reset_step.ResetStep, 'persistence': persistence_step.PersistenceStep, 'charge_migration': charge_migration_step.ChargeMigrationStep, 'jump': jump_step.JumpStep, 'ramp_fit': ramp_fit_step.RampFitStep, 'gain_scale': gain_scale_step.GainScaleStep, } # start the actual processing
[docs] def process(self, input):'Starting calwebb_detector1 ...') # open the input as a RampModel input = datamodels.RampModel(input) # propagate output_dir to steps that might need it self.dark_current.output_dir = self.output_dir self.ramp_fit.output_dir = self.output_dir instrument = if instrument == 'MIRI': # process MIRI exposures; # the steps are in a different order than NIR log.debug('Processing a MIRI exposure') input = self.group_scale(input) input = self.dq_init(input) input = self.emicorr(input) input = self.saturation(input) input = self.ipc(input) input = self.firstframe(input) input = self.lastframe(input) input = self.reset(input) input = self.linearity(input) input = self.rscd(input) input = self.dark_current(input) input = self.refpix(input) # skip until MIRI team has figured out an algorithm # input = self.persistence(input) else: # process Near-IR exposures log.debug('Processing a Near-IR exposure') input = self.group_scale(input) input = self.dq_init(input) input = self.saturation(input) input = self.ipc(input) input = self.superbias(input) input = self.refpix(input) input = self.linearity(input) # skip persistence for NIRSpec if instrument != 'NIRSPEC': input = self.persistence(input) input = self.dark_current(input) # apply the charge_migration step input = self.charge_migration(input) # apply the jump step input = self.jump(input) # save the corrected ramp data, if requested if self.save_calibrated_ramp: self.save_model(input, 'ramp') # apply the ramp_fit step # This explicit test on self.ramp_fit.skip is a temporary workaround # to fix the problem that the ramp_fit step ordinarily returns two # objects, but when the step is skipped due to `skip = True`, # only the input is returned when the step is invoked. if self.ramp_fit.skip: input = self.ramp_fit(input) ints_model = None else: input, ints_model = self.ramp_fit(input) # apply the gain_scale step to the exposure-level product if input is not None: self.gain_scale.suffix = 'gain_scale' input = self.gain_scale(input) else:"NoneType returned from ramp_fit. Gain Scale step skipped.") # apply the gain scale step to the multi-integration product, # if it exists, and then save it if ints_model is not None: self.gain_scale.suffix = 'gain_scaleints' ints_model = self.gain_scale(ints_model) self.save_model(ints_model, 'rateints') # setup output_file for saving self.setup_output(input)'... ending calwebb_detector1') return input
[docs] def setup_output(self, input): if input is None: return None # Determine the proper file name suffix to use later if input.meta.cal_step.ramp_fit == 'COMPLETE': self.suffix = 'rate' else: self.suffix = 'ramp'