Source code for jwst.pipeline.calwebb_spec3

#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import defaultdict
import os.path as op
import numpy as np

from stdatamodels.jwst import datamodels

from jwst.datamodels import SourceModelContainer

from ..associations.lib.rules_level3_base import format_product
from ..exp_to_source import multislit_to_container
from ..master_background.master_background_step import split_container
from ..stpipe import Pipeline
from ..lib.exposure_types import is_moving_target

# step imports
from ..assign_mtwcs import assign_mtwcs_step
from ..cube_build import cube_build_step
from ..extract_1d import extract_1d_step
from ..master_background import master_background_step
from ..mrs_imatch import mrs_imatch_step
from ..outlier_detection import outlier_detection_step
from ..resample import resample_spec_step
from ..combine_1d import combine_1d_step
from ..photom import photom_step
from ..spectral_leak import spectral_leak_step

__all__ = ['Spec3Pipeline']

# Group exposure types

[docs] class Spec3Pipeline(Pipeline): """ Spec3Pipeline: Processes JWST spectroscopic exposures from Level 2b to 3. Included steps are: assign moving target wcs (assign_mtwcs) master background subtraction (master_background) MIRI MRS background matching (mrs_imatch) outlier detection (outlier_detection) 2-D spectroscopic resampling (resample_spec) 3-D spectroscopic resampling (cube_build) 1-D spectral extraction (extract_1d) Absolute Photometric Calibration (photom) 1-D spectral combination (combine_1d) """ class_alias = "calwebb_spec3" spec = """ """ # Define aliases to steps step_defs = { 'assign_mtwcs': assign_mtwcs_step.AssignMTWcsStep, 'master_background': master_background_step.MasterBackgroundStep, 'mrs_imatch': mrs_imatch_step.MRSIMatchStep, 'outlier_detection': outlier_detection_step.OutlierDetectionStep, 'resample_spec': resample_spec_step.ResampleSpecStep, 'cube_build': cube_build_step.CubeBuildStep, 'extract_1d': extract_1d_step.Extract1dStep, 'photom': photom_step.PhotomStep, 'combine_1d': combine_1d_step.Combine1dStep, 'spectral_leak': spectral_leak_step.SpectralLeakStep } # Main processing
[docs] def process(self, input): """Entrypoint for this pipeline Parameters ---------- input: str, Level3 Association, or ~jwst.datamodels.JwstDataModel The exposure or association of exposures to process """'Starting calwebb_spec3 ...') asn_exptypes = ['science', 'background'] # Setup sub-step defaults self.master_background.suffix = 'mbsub' self.mrs_imatch.suffix = 'mrs_imatch' self.outlier_detection.suffix = 'crf' self.outlier_detection.save_results = self.save_results self.resample_spec.suffix = 's2d' self.resample_spec.save_results = self.save_results self.cube_build.suffix = 's3d' self.cube_build.save_results = self.save_results self.extract_1d.suffix = 'x1d' self.extract_1d.save_results = self.save_results self.combine_1d.suffix = 'c1d' self.combine_1d.save_results = self.save_results self.spectral_leak.suffix = 'x1d' self.spectral_leak.save_results = self.save_results # Retrieve the inputs: # could either be done via LoadAsAssociation and then manually # load input members into models and ModelContainer, or just # do a direct open of all members in ASN file, e.g. input_models =, asn_exptypes=asn_exptypes) # Immediately update the ASNTABLE keyword value in all inputs, # so that all outputs get the new value for model in input_models: model.meta.asn.table_name = op.basename(input_models.asn_table_name) # For the first round of development we will assume that the input # is ALWAYS an ASN. There's no use case for anyone ever running a # single exposure through. # Once data are loaded, store a few things for future use; # some of this is here only for the purpose of creating fake # products until the individual tasks work and do it themselves exptype = input_models[0].meta.exposure.type model_type = input_models[0].meta.model_type output_file = input_models.meta.asn_table.products[0].name self.output_file = output_file # Find all the member types in the product members_by_type = defaultdict(list) product = input_models.meta.asn_table.products[0].instance for member in product['members']: members_by_type[member['exptype'].lower()].append(member['expname']) if is_moving_target(input_models):"Assigning WCS to a Moving Target exposure.") input_models = self.assign_mtwcs(input_models) # If background data are present, call the master background step if members_by_type['background']: source_models = self.master_background(input_models) source_models.meta.asn_table = input_models.meta.asn_table # If the step is skipped, do the container splitting that # would've been done in master_background if self.master_background.skip: source_models, bkg_models = split_container(input_models) # we don't need the background members bkg_models.close() del bkg_models else: # The input didn't contain any background members, # so we use all the inputs in subsequent steps source_models = input_models # `sources` is the list of astronomical sources that need be # processed. Each element is a ModelContainer, which contains # models for all exposures that belong to a single source. # # For JWST spectral modes, the input associations can contain # one of two types of collections. If the exposure type is # considered single-source, then the association contains only # exposures of that source. # # However, there are modes in which the exposures contain data # from multiple sources. In that case, the data must be # rearranged, collecting the exposures representing each # source into its own ModelContainer. This produces a list of # sources, each represented by a MultiExposureModel instead of # a single ModelContainer. sources = [source_models] if model_type in MULTISOURCE_MODELS:'Convert from exposure-based to source-based data.') sources = [ (name, model) for name, model in multislit_to_container(source_models).items() ] # Check for negative and large source_id values if len(sources) > 99999: self.log.critical("Data contain more than 100,000 sources;" "filename does not support 6 digit source ids.") raise Exception available_src_ids = set(np.arange(99999) + 1) used_src_ids = set() for src in sources: src_id, model = src src_id = int(src_id) used_src_ids.add(src_id) if 0 < src_id <= 99999: available_src_ids.remove(src_id) hotfixed_sources = [] # now find and reset bad source_id values for src in sources: src_id, model = src src_id = int(src_id) # Replace ids that aren't positive 5-digit integers if src_id < 0 or src_id > 99999: src_id_new = available_src_ids.pop()"Source ID {src_id} falls outside allowed range.")"Reassigning {src_id} to {str(src_id_new).zfill(5)}.") # Replace source_id for each model in the SourceModelContainers for contained_model in model: contained_model.source_id = src_id_new src_id = src_id_new hotfixed_sources.append((str(src_id), model)) sources = hotfixed_sources # Process each source for source in sources: # If each source is a SourceModelContainer, # the output name needs to be updated with the source ID, and potentially # also the slit name (for NIRSpec fixed-slit only). if isinstance(source, tuple): source_id, result = source if result[0].meta.exposure.type == "NRS_FIXEDSLIT": slit_name = self._create_nrsfs_slit_name(result) self.output_file = format_product( output_file, source_id=source_id.lower(), slit_name=slit_name) else: self.output_file = format_product( output_file, source_id=source_id.lower()) else: result = source # The MultiExposureModel is a required output. if isinstance(result, SourceModelContainer): self.save_model(result, 'cal') # Call the skymatch step for MIRI MRS data if exptype in ['MIR_MRS']: result = self.mrs_imatch(result) # Call outlier detection if exptype not in SLITLESS_TYPES: # Update the asn table name to the level 3 instance so that # the downstream products have the correct table name since # the _cal files are not saved they will not be updated for cal_array in result: cal_array.meta.asn.table_name = op.basename(input_models.asn_table_name) result = self.outlier_detection(result) # Resample time. Dependent on whether the data is IFU or not. resample_complete = None if exptype in IFU_EXPTYPES: result = self.cube_build(result) try: resample_complete = result[0].meta.cal_step.cube_build except AttributeError: pass else: result = self.resample_spec(result) try: resample_complete = result.meta.cal_step.resample except AttributeError: pass # Do 1-D spectral extraction if exptype in SLITLESS_TYPES: # For slitless data, extract 1D spectra and then combine them if exptype in ['NIS_SOSS']: # For NIRISS SOSS, don't save the extract_1d results, # instead run photom on the extract_1d results and save # those instead. self.extract_1d.save_results = False result = self.extract_1d(result) # SOSS F277W may return None - don't bother with that. if result is not None: self.photom.save_results = self.save_results self.photom.suffix = 'x1d' result = self.photom(result) else: result = self.extract_1d(result) result = self.combine_1d(result) elif resample_complete is not None and resample_complete.upper() == 'COMPLETE': # If 2D data were resampled and combined, just do a 1D extraction if exptype in IFU_EXPTYPES: self.extract_1d.search_output_file = False if exptype in ['MIR_MRS']: if not self.spectral_leak.skip: self.extract_1d.save_results = False self.spectral_leak.suffix = 'x1d' self.spectral_leak.search_output_file = False self.spectral_leak.save_results = self.save_results result = self.extract_1d(result) if exptype in ['MIR_MRS']: result = self.spectral_leak(result) else: self.log.warning( 'Resampling was not completed. Skipping extract_1d.' ) input_models.close()'Ending calwebb_spec3') return
def _create_nrsfs_slit_name(self, source_models): """Create the complete slit_name product field for NIRSpec fixed-slit products Each unique value of slit name within the list of input source models is appended to the final slit name string. """ slit_names = [] slit_names.append(source_models[0].name.lower()) for i in range(len(source_models)): name = source_models[i].name.lower() if name not in slit_names: slit_names.append(name) slit_name = "-".join(slit_names) # append slit names using a dash separator return slit_name