Step Arguments

The assign_wcs step has the following optional arguments to control the behavior of the processing.

--sip_approx (boolean, default=True)

A flag to enable the computation of a SIP approximation for imaging modes.

--sip_degree (integer, max=6, default=None)

Polynomial degree for the forward SIP fit. “None” uses the best fit.

--sip_max_pix_error (float, default=0.01)

Maximum error for the SIP forward fit, in units of pixels. Ignored if sip_degree is set to an explicit value.

--sip_inv_degree (integer, max=6, default=None)

Polynomial degree for the inverse SIP fit. “None” uses the best fit.

--sip_max_inv_pix_error (float, default=0.01)

Maximum error for the SIP inverse fit, in units of pixels. Ignored if sip_inv_degree is set to an explicit value.

--sip_npoints (integer, default=12)

Number of points for the SIP fit.

--slit_y_low (float, default=-0.55)

Lower edge of a NIRSpec slit.

--slit_y_high (float, default=0.55)

Upper edge of a NIRSpec slit.