- Class:
- Alias:
The stack_refs
step is one of the coronagraphic-specific steps in the
sub-package and is part of Stage 3 calwebb_coron3
processing. It takes a list of reference PSF products and stacks all of the
per-integration images contained in each PSF product into a single 3D data cube.
This operation prepares the PSF images for use by subsequent steps in the
calwebb_coron3 pipeline. The image data are simply copied
and reformatted, without being modified in any way.
The stack_refs
step does not have any step-specific arguments.
3D calibrated images
- Data model:
- File suffix:
The inputs to the stack_refs
step are multiple calibrated products for the PSF
target, produced by the calwebb_image2 pipeline. Each input
should be a 3D “_calints” product, containing a 3D stack of calibrated images for the
multiple integrations within each exposure.
It is assumed that the stack_refs
step will be called from the
calwebb_coron3 pipeline, which is given an ASN file as input,
specifying one or more PSF target exposures.
The actual input passed to the stack_refs
step will be a ModelContainer
created by the calwebb_coron3 pipeline, containing a
data model for each PSF “_calints” exposure listed in the
ASN file. See calwebb_coron3 for more details on the contents of
the ASN file.
3D PSF image stack
- Data model:
- File suffix:
The output of the stack_refs
step will be a single 3D product containing a stack of
all the PSF images from the multiple input exposures. The size of the stack will be equal
to the sum of the number of integration (NINTS) in each input PSF exposure.
The output file name is source-based, using the product name specified in the ASN file,
e.g. “jw86073-a3001_t001_nircam_f140m-maskbar_psfstack.fits.”
Reference Files
The stack_refs
step does not use any reference files.