
jwst.associations.mkpool.mkpool(data, asn_candidate=None, dms_note='', is_imprt='f', pntgtype='science', **kwargs)[source]

Create an association pool from a list of FITS files.

Normally, association pools and the associations generated from those pools are created by the automatic ground system process. Users should download and modify those pools if need be. If desired, this function can be used to create pools from scratch using a list of FITS files. Once created, the generate() can be used to create associations from these pools.

A number of pool columns used by the Association rules cannot be derived from the header keywords. The columns, and typical other values, are as follows:

  • asn_candidate

    The observation candidate is always defined in table creation, based on the observation id of each exposure.

    However, higher level associations can be created by specifying a list of candidate definitions. An example of adding both background and coronographic candidates would be: [(‘c1000’, ‘background’), (‘c1001’, ‘coronographic’)]

    The specification can be either as a list of 2-tuples, as presented above, or as a single string representation of the list. Using the previous example, the following is also a valid input: “[(‘c1000’, ‘background’), (‘c1001’, ‘coronographic’)]”

  • dms_note

    Notes from upstream processing of the downlinked data that may be pertinent to the quality of the data. Currently the value “wfsc_los_jitter” is used by the Level 2 wavefront sensing rule, Asn_Lv2WFSC, to ignore exposures.

  • is_imprt

    A ‘t’ indicates the exposure is a NIRSpec imprint exposure.

  • pntgtype

    The general class of exposure. The default value is “science”. For target acquisition, the value is “target_acquisition”.

  • data (int) – The data to get the pool parameters from. Can be pathnames or or

  • asn_candidate ([(id, type)[,...]] or None) – Association candidates to add to each exposure. These are added to the default (‘oXXX’, ‘observation’) candidate created from header information.

  • dms_note (str) – Value for the dms_note column.

  • is_imprt ('t' or 'f') – Indicator whether exposures are imprint/leakcal exposures.

  • pntgtype ('science', 'target_acquisition') – General exposure type.

  • kwargs (dict) – Other keyword arguments to pass to the call.


pool – The association pool.

Return type:
