
class jwst.resample.ResampleStep(name=None, parent=None, config_file=None, _validate_kwds=True, **kws)[source]

Bases: JwstStep

Resample input data onto a regular grid using the drizzle algorithm.


When supplied via output_wcs, a custom WCS overrides other custom WCS parameters such as output_shape (now computed from by output_wcs.bounding_box), crpix


input (JwstDataModel or Association) – Single filename for either a single image or an association table.

Create a Step instance.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the Step instance. Used in logging messages and in cache filenames. If not provided, one will be generated based on the class name.

  • parent (Step instance, optional) – The parent step of this step. Used to determine a fully-qualified name for this step, and to determine the mode in which to run this step.

  • config_file (str path, optional) – The path to the config file that this step was initialized with. Use to determine relative path names of other config files.

  • **kws (dict) – Additional parameters to set. These will be set as member variables on the new Step instance.

Attributes Summary




Methods Summary

get_drizpars(ref_filename, input_models)

Extract drizzle parameters from reference file.


This is where real work happens.


Update FITS WCS keywords of the resampled image.

Attributes Documentation

class_alias = 'resample'
reference_file_types = ['drizpars']
pixfrac = float(default=1.0) # change back to None when drizpar reference files are updated
kernel = string(default='square') # change back to None when drizpar reference files are updated
fillval = string(default='INDEF' ) # change back to None when drizpar reference files are updated
weight_type = option('ivm', 'exptime', None, default='ivm')  # change back to None when drizpar ref update
output_shape = int_list(min=2, max=2, default=None)  # [x, y] order
crpix = float_list(min=2, max=2, default=None)
crval = float_list(min=2, max=2, default=None)
rotation = float(default=None)
pixel_scale_ratio = float(default=1.0) # Ratio of input to output pixel scale
pixel_scale = float(default=None) # Absolute pixel scale in arcsec
output_wcs = string(default='')  # Custom output WCS.
single = boolean(default=False)
blendheaders = boolean(default=True)
allowed_memory = float(default=None)  # Fraction of memory to use for the combined image.
in_memory = boolean(default=True)

Methods Documentation

get_drizpars(ref_filename, input_models)[source]

Extract drizzle parameters from reference file.

This method extracts parameters from the drizpars reference file and uses those to set defaults on the following ResampleStep configuration parameters:

pixfrac = float(default=None) kernel = string(default=None) fillval = string(default=None) wht_type = option(‘ivm’, ‘exptime’, None, default=None)

Once the defaults are set from the reference file, if the user has used a resample.cfg file or run ResampleStep using command line args, then these will overwrite the defaults pulled from the reference file.


This is where real work happens. Every Step subclass has to override this method. The default behaviour is to raise a NotImplementedError exception.


Update FITS WCS keywords of the resampled image.